Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

The ringing of the door bell interrupted my precious sleep and my head throbbed slightly as the annoying ringing echoed in the empty house.

Groaning, I glanced at the clock on my nightstand and waited for my vision to focus but when it did something was off.

I went to rub my eyes but flinched away from myself in pain and muttered under my breath,

"Ouch what the hell."

Almost immediately I remembered the events of last night.


He'd punch me in the eye. I cringed at the memory but then remembered what had happened after.

He was nice.

Ugh. The door.

I looked at the clock again but this time I was able to read the time clearly,


Ugh. Who comes to someone's house at almost 8?


I groaned again as I lifted myself out of bed. My entire head was throbbing now, so I decided after I got the door I'd take an Advil.

As I walked down the stairs I thought of possible visitors.

Dylan's nasty girlfriend?

Naa to early for her.

One of Dylan's other friends? Maybe they forgot something?

Naa they were probably passed out at somebody else house.

I finally reached the door completely clueless of who it could be but opened it slightly, covering my bad eye with the door.

The porch was empty.

Seriously? It was too early for pranks.


Out of nowhere a familiar face popped up.

"Oh, you are home!"

I sighed to myself,

"Seriously? You've got to stop stalking me."

Riley's eyes lit up,

"I was just returning this."

He extended his hand revealing my bag from last night.

"Ahh, did you steal anything?"

He laughed but shook his head,

"No, but I did look in your wallet to find your address."

I grinned, ignoring the pain in my eye.


Riley laughed again but raised an eyebrow,

"So, are you and door best friends or do you just always stand that close?"

My laugh came out of nowhere, and it was less than convincing. I tried to speak, covering the pain,

"Yeah we're besties. Sorry if you're jealous."

"Oh definitely."

We both laughed but he started up again,

"But seriously, what's wrong?"

"I only have make up on one side of my face."

I cringed, my crying make up face was probably disgusting but Riley smiled slightly in confusion,

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