03║First Confession

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Czarina silently followed her father to wherever he was taking her to. He led her to the lift that was on that floor and they entered it. The second the lift's doors slid shut, Czarina's father rested his back against the wall and folded his arms, sighing through his nostrils.

A heartbeat passed before he said, "so... you're finally home." He turned his face towards her and smiled brightly, a crow's feet appearing around his brown eyes. "Welcome home Darling." He reached forward and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him.

Czarina half-heartedly hugged his back with an arm as he kissed the crown of her head. When he unhanded her, she clasped her hands together and rested her gaze on the floor. When he began to talk, her heartbeat spiked.

"How had the trip back home been? Had Sunny been careful?" he asked in a soft, caring tone, fiddling with his shirt's cuffs as he tried to take out the cufflinks.

Czarina heaved a sigh, her breath piling in her throat. She coughed lightly, peering at him through the corner of her eye as she muttered, "it was okay. He... was more careful than last time."

He hummed, putting his hands into his pockets as a ding sounded, the doors opening. He stayed put, saying nothing. But then he sighed softly. "Your principal called. You failed. Again," he muttered.

"I'm sorry."

Czarina closed her eyes, waiting for an earful of insults and reprimanding but she got none. All she received was silence, save for the soft sound of busy servants moving about. She opened her eyes and raised them, only for her gaze to jam with her father's. His eyes held only the only emotion a parent was supposed to show to their child: love. Czarina swallowed and dropped her head. She squeezed her hands tightly.

"You're... You're not going to yell at me?"

She heard her father chuckle mildly. "That's your mother's job." She flinched and she guessed that he noticed because he added, "and she does it at the most inappropriate time and in an exaggerated manner."

She heard him sigh as he stepped out of the lift. Czarina walked out after him and instantly straightened her back at the sight of the servants. Then she wore a blank look, raising her head. She followed her father to her parents' bedroom. When they got to it, her heartbeat quickened again. She began to sweat, her eyes going wide. Czarina started a little when her father dropped his hand on her shoulder. She looked at his hand and then traced it to his face.

"Don't let whatever she says get to you. Although I suggest that you wait for a while before talking to her. She's... mad."

He clapped her shoulder with his hand and let it fall to his side. She gazed at him as he produced a keycard from his pocket and swiped it at the scanner. He held the handles of the double doors and was about to open the doors before he paused and looked over his shoulder.

"The Auster Festivals are around the corner. Are you going to be participating in the racing this year?"

"Um..." Czarina scratched the back of her head. "It... It depends on the theme and circumstances this year."

"You're off age Czarina." He shrugged lightly and looked back at the door. "No rushing. It's your choice anyways. Goodnight Darling." He pushed the doors open but stopped and turned to his daughter. He engulfed her in a tight embrace and Czarina stiffly received it, her arms limp and heavy by her side. She felt him kiss the top of her head before he unhanded her and entered his room.

Czarina breathed out loudly before she turned and returned to her room.


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