11║First Celebration

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"Why is she here again?" Mauvine whispered into Czarina's ear as they moved through the bustling mall.

Czarina peered over her shoulder and looked at Lulana; she was silenlty walking behind the trio, her eyes ahead of her. Czarina shrugged and looked over her sunglasses to stare at her friends. "She's with me because she's my personal help. What if I want to go shopping after we leave Fauny Fauns? Who will help me with my bags?"

Mauvine pouted her lips, a tiny frown on her face. "But..."

"Hush." Farina patted her back. "She's with Czar, not you."

Mauvine rolled her eyes and blew a raspberry at them. Czarina shook her head. The three friends chatted amongst themselves as they moved to the place. They took a lift to the third floor and it didn't take long before they found themselves stepping into the chilly restaurant that was filled with upbeat music and loud customers. The moment they stepped into the restaurant, all eyes landed on them; various customers began to halt their various discussions. People began to clap and cheer for Czarina, some getting onto their feet. She just waved at them, her smile forced and tight. Soon, their applauds stopped and her smile fell instantly.

She rolled her eyes. "Anyway... Where do we sit?"

Farina and Mauvine looked around the place. "This place is packed," Farina sighed.

"Thanks to you," said a girl as she came forward, a toothy smile on her face.

Czarina eyed the girl as she came closer. "Nice to see you Cheshire." She pointed at her attire-it was similar to what the other workers were wearing, a top with leopard prints, a black skirt or trousers, and a black apron. "What are you wearing?"

Cheshire looked down at her cloth. "The place was packed and Dad desperately needed more hands so I decided to hop into these and lend a helping hand," she said cheerily, shoving her hands into her apron's pockets.

"Sure." Czarina looked around. "It seems like there's no free space so I guess that we'll le-"

"Oh, no. Don't." Cheshire jerked her head to the side. "This place has a special place that's permanently reserved for only aristocrats. Since no one's there at the moment I'm sure that you can stay there."

"Hmm." She looked at her friends and lifted a brow. They nodded vigorously and she sighed. "Sure. Show us the way."

"This way please," she said, motioning for them to walk to the left.

Czarina hummed and she and her friends turned to walk. But as she they did, she froze as Cheshire gasped and then squealed in happiness. She whipped her head around just in time to see Cheshire throw her arms around Lulana. Czarina didn't know why, but seeing Lulana being hugged by another woman made her chest squeeze up; she gnashed her teeth and clenched her hands.

"Lulana. Long time no see." She held her at arm's length. "You were so silent that I hadn't even noticed you."

Lulana shrugged a shoulder, a faint smile gracing her lips. "Well... I try."

Cheshire snorted and playfully pinched Lulana's cheek. She looked back at the others and moved to stand before them. "Please follow me."

Czarina narrowed her eyes at Cheshire as they followed her. I've never seen her smile. One of her friends elbowed her and she shifted her narrowed gaze to see that it was Mauvine.

"Do they know each other?" she asked, clearly voicing Czarina's thoughts.

"Do I look like I know?" she hissed, making Mauvine clamp her mouth shut.

Cheshire led them to the area. She pushed the door and held it open for them so that they could walk in. As soon as Cheshire shut the door, the outside world became muffled. The place had a single long table that was in the middle of the room. It had its own cabinet that was filled with plates, cups and cutleries of different kinds. There was also a bar and a small kitchen. The white walls had colourul designs of varying sizes and shapes.

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