17║First Acceptance

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Unlike the previous day, when morning came, Czarina felt better, despite her mother returning to lock her up again a few moments after Aidenn had left. Her chest constricted in guilt. The thought of what Aidenn had said helped guide her through the day. Her morning was spent like she always does—she woke up, had a bath and ate breakfast. Lulana had been replaced and when Czarina saw a male Yumboe bring her food with a sullen look, her shoulders slumped and she snidely told him to leave.

She had her meal in front of the window, watching the sky. Her dog was sitting by her leg and she occasionally placed a piece of food into his mouth. The two of them were peacefully experiencing the morning together until a loud shout sounded. It was followed by a pair of booming voices. Both of them stared at her door. Her throat clogged up and her shoulders bunched up when she made the voices out to be her parents'. They seemed to be in a heated argument.

"If you dare open up that room, I'll—!"

"Do what Reine?"

"Whatever I can to stop you from doing whatever it is that you are about to do! Leave that girl in that room!" There was some shuffling before Reine shrieked in irritation. It was followed by fast-paced footsteps. "Give me back those keys!"

"NO! I've had enough of you trying to punish our daughter for what she has no control over! She didn't choose to be who she is so stop punishing her!"

"Of course she did!" 

When the doors began to rattle, Czarina returned her plate to the tray that was by her leg and wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand. She stood and slowly stepped to the door.

"If you let that girl out of that room, I'm going to make sure that she's going to be rid of her maddening lifestyle. That child needs help and nothing more!"

Czarina flinched the same time the double doors stopped rattling. She pressed a fist to her chest as she waited for her father to answer her mother.

"I dare you. Do that and consider this marriage over," she heard Qluas say in a quiet, dark voice.

Czarina gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "No," she whimpered, tears in her eyes.

Her mother scoffed lightly, and then snickered in a low, dark manner. Czarina stiffened. "You don't even have the guts to do that. You're just a calm, loving hus—"

"Try me and you'll see whether or not I can."

She heard a grunt. "Huh," Reine hissed. "It seems that you love your daughter more than me."

Qlaus sighed in a tired manner. "I love every single person in my family equally, but you're making it difficult for only you, and just you."

"Oh really? Well then, suit yourself Qlaus. This isn't over." Retreating steps sounded, and she heard her father exhale.

Czarina blinked away the little tears that were lingering in her eyes. The moment that the doors flew open, Qlaus marched into the room. His eyes searched the room sporadically. When he spotted her, his shoulders visibily relaxed. He rushed to her and buried her in his arms.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into her hair, lovingly rubbing her back. "I'm sorry for not acting quickly. I'm genuinely sorry. This will be the last straw. I've been tolerating your mother's attitude for too long. I'll never let her hurt you ever again."

Czarina's breath quivered. She lightly held onto the back of his shirt. They silently embraced for a while before any of them spoke again. "I'm sorry," she muttered, breaking the silence.

"Hush now. There's no need to apologize. I accept you for who you are. Coming out as a lesbian hasn't changed anything about you. Just... let me talk to your mother, and you'll see that she'll change for the better." He unwrapped his arms and used the pad of his thumbs to wipe off stray tears from her face. He beamed at her. "Being who you were born to be shouldn't be a crime. Now stop crying. You're too beautiful for that."

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