1. A New Job

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Hey guys, I've had this story idea for a while and wanted to write it :)

Make sure to vote and comment if you like it! Thanks so much for reading!

(P.S. There's a lot of buildup before the main plot, so bear with me!)


Erza, Lucy, and Juvia sat together at a table in the guild hall. Lucy was getting ready to go on another job with Natsu, Happy, and Gray. But Erza wasn't coming.

"I'm not going to come with you this time, Lucy. Sorry," Erza said.

"What? Why not?" Lucy said, pouting.

"Juvia is also wondering why..." Juvia added. Erza always went on jobs with Team Natsu.

"I... I have somewhere to be," Erza said. Both Lucy and Juvia noticed that she was blushing slightly. The two girls' eyes met and they smiled.

"You got a date?" Lucy asked, mischievously. "Who's the lucky guy?"

Erza went red and shook her head violently. "No! That's not it! I... I just have some important errands to run."

"Tell Juvia how it goes with Jellal-san, okay?" Juvia said, outright. Lucy and Juvia giggled together as Erza got flustered by the confrontation.

"You guys can handle this job without me... I'm leaving!" Erza said, rushing out of there.

Juvia smiled. She truly was happy that Erza was having a chance to spend time with Jellal. Juvia glanced at Lucy. She was also glad that Lucy had become such a close friend of hers over time. Although, sometimes she still did have the sneaking suspicion that Lucy liked Gray.

"No Erza means I can beat this guy's ass every time he does something stupid, right?" Gray asked, coming up to them with Natsu close behind.

"What?! Don't be stupid!" Natsu said, shoving Gray to the side. "No Erza means that she's not there to steal the spotlight! Finally!"

"No Erza means this job is going to be a disaster..." Lucy said, sighing. "How am I going to keep these two in check?"

Then, she looked at Juvia.

"Juvia! I need you there. Will you come with us on the job?" Lucy asked, a pleading look in her eyes.

Juvia's eyes lit up.

"Of course! Juvia would love to come!" She smiled. Another chance to get close to Gray-sama! She thought to herself.

Thank God, Lucy thought. Juvia was timid and shy, but she was really powerful, and she would be a great asset to the team.

"Well then, it's settled! Let's go!" Natsu yelled, getting up on the table.

"You idiot, it's 10 at night. We'll go tomorrow morning," Gray said.

"All right, everyone. Make sure to be at the train station at 8 o'clock in the morning, sharp," Lucy said. "And BE ON TIME." She glared at Natsu.

"I'm always on time!" Natsu said, which prompted Lucy to laugh mockingly.

"I'd bet you 100 jewels that you won't be on time tomorrow morning. But I know that you don't have 100 jewels, so I'll spare you," Lucy said.

"You don't have 100 jewels either!" Natsu retorted.

Juvia smiled at their banter and glanced over at Gray. He was reading over the job description, looking bored.

I hope Juvia and Gray-sama will get closer on this trip. She thought, crossing her fingers.

A/N: I'm editing this a hundred years later and I've realized that this story really goes all over the place after a while 😂
I think I've grown a lot as a writer during the process haha but I'm seriously so thankful. I remember when this story didn't even have 100 reads total and now it has over 13k.
Thank you so much to everyone who reads my stories because you encourage me to keep writing (even when I take super long breaks without noticing anyone...heh...my bad). THANK YOU. Now keep reading 😝

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