Chapter 3

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So basically, what happened from Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman)'s perspective. Zeus (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) had just come home to tell her he had two demigod children with a mortal woman. Of course, she was mad. So she decided to take revenge. She couldn't exactly hurt either child. Zeus (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) would be fuming. And she couldn't lay a finger on precious little Thalia. So she had to do something to me. Typical. So she did something that would seem a little weird, but that she is probably really happy about because it basically killed me. She cursed me. Yeah, so what she did, was that bad things would happen to me, the people I loved and the places I loved. So she came up with the evil plan that she would kidnap me, curse me and then without Zeus (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) noticing, deliver me to Lupa and the wolves. So she began by dressing up as a young mortal woman, like one of those child protection agencies. Or a babysitter. I Don't really know. I Don't remember. I was four. I'm kind of just going by what I Think Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) would do. So according to some eye-witnesses. A young lady with curly black hair was walking behind us as we walked to the park and she slipped something in mom's brandy. So Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) slipped a sleeping draught into my Mom's drink. Imran brandy makes you tired, but add a sleeping draught and you're asleep after one swig. Of course, Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) gave her drink a very slow sleeping effect so that while Thalia was still there, our Mom wouldn't just collapse and scare Thalia. And then Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) watched and waited. And after the bottle was empty, my mom just lay down and slept. And Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) walked up, picked me up, cradled me, and walked off. No one complained, she just looked like a woman from child protection services, who had realized how dangerous and drunk my mother was so she took him into care. Anyway, so Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) took me and walked back to Mount Olympus. And no one on Mount Olympus asked any questions because it was probably just another godchild or something. And she took me into her own chamber and locked the door and said something along the lines of "Muhahahahaha, I Will curse you and eventually, the curse will destroy you and all the places and people you love. Katapa!!!!" Katapa is a curse that means basically" curse you". And then she summoned the wolves with the leader Lupa. "Lupa, care for this boy, do not bite him, teach him to be an amazing warrior and when he is older, send him to Camp Jupiter. And make sure Zeus (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) doesn't find him or Thalia his sister or Beryl, his mother.

Lupa responded with "Woof Woof Woof Woof. Woof Woof?" which translates as "Of course, Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman), we worship and adore you and listen to you and respond to your requests. What is the child's name?

"Jason Christopher Grace."

So I got carried off by some wolves to be trained, and the next part I remember, so it will not mainly be assumptions, and witness accounts and Thalia's story. It will be my story.

At this point, I began to have a memory and remember things, so I know all about my training.

Lupa was kind and caring but didn't tell me about my curse. She just trained me and taught me and told me my father was Zeus (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) and when I was eight and trained she brought me to Camp Jupiter where Was labelled as the only son of Jupiter because that is the Roman name for Zeus (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.). But Lupa and her wolves taught me more than just how to fight and be a good warrior. She taught me about what monsters Might face and sometimes summoned them to test my skills. It's like when your teacher teaches you how to do Algebra, and then gives you a test to see how good you are, now just change the algebra to fighting, and monsters strengths and weaknesses, and in the test, instead of it being a sheet of paper with problems you have to solve, it's a monster who wants to kill you. Yeah, a bit less boring and not much time to react, just "Okay, right so you have learned about the Minotaur, here it is, try not to let it kill you." Yeah I Could also understand Wolf, it was apparently part of my curse, but it was not that bad, unlike some other aspects of my curse. Like the fact that all the people that I loved, and all the places I loved would be destroyed, and that I Would be destroyed eventually, with a horrible and painful death, And yes, my death was horrible and painful and I Will tell you about it later. So yeah. Lupa was an amazing trainer and she genuinely cared about me. She was following Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman)'s orders, but she didn't really want to tell me about the curse, but only because Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) had told her not to. Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) constantly called Lupa back to Mount Olympus, to check on my progress. Not trying to get incinerated by Zeus (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.), but Hera (or Juno depends on whether you are Greek or Roman) cared more about me than Zeus (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) (or Jupiter depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) cared about me and Thalia. All right I'm still alive. I mean technically I'm dead, but I have not been incinerated. And I'm still staring at the River Lethe. And I still have a memory, so I have not been tipped into the River and then pushed back out again. In Elysium sounds like a party behind me and I'm really excited to explore it and meet everyone. And discover their reasons and how powerful they are and are they going to rebirth. I Am very inquisitive and I Want to know everything. So that when Thalia dies in battle, I can tell her about everything. Some of you guys might be wondering how I Know that Thalia will achieve Elysium. Well, part of the deal that Artemis (or Diana, depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) (or Diana, depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) made with Hades (or Pluto, depends on whether you are Greek or Roman. (or Pluto, depends on whether you are Greek or Roman. after the second Titan War was that all Hunters of Artemis (or Diana, depends on whether you are Greek or Roman.) would achieve Elysium. So yeah, eventually Thalia will come to Elysium. But that could be in one thousand years, or maybe even after one million years because unless she dies in battle, she is immortal. So yeah, I walk through the study which is full of animal and nature stuff but also has some information on Elysium, an address book, so I can work out who is here, and how they died, interesting. I also can research the gods.

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