Chapter 11

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When I woke up, I felt as sick as I had the day before, and I knew that I had only one person to rely on, now. It wasn't Zeus (or Jupiter, depending on whether you're Greek or Roman), and it wasn't Luke. It wasn't anyone around that I could get to easily, and to feel better would take a lot of effort. Even so, I was prepared to do so and went off to tell the inhabitants of the Elysium, who I thought had been my friends, about what I had chosen.
"Guys, I don't care if you just ignore me, but I'm gonna rebirth and I'm going to do it now."
The others stared at me in shock.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not going to listen to you any more, I'm not just gonna let my heart shatter into pieces while I live here feeling depressed, I'm going to find the only one that I can trust, Piper, and I'm not gonna listen to anything else that you say since you've just given me bad advice and really just ignored my feelings."

Everyone looked at me in shock. And then Luke and Esperanza started up a cheer that went around the entire room. And everyone approached me and congratulated me and shook my hand. Everyone seemed pretty pumped, even though I had just been criticizing them five seconds ago. I was slightly confused, I think, but you get used to being confused and shocked, when you are a demigod, and diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Because you just think that your life cannot get any more confusing and then another monster shows up. Typical, just typical.

Then, the word went around that I was going to get rebirthed, and everyone that I knew was there. They all came to watch me, and Nico said, "Oh, I'm so sorry to see you go, mate - I wish I could rebirth too. I've already lost Bianca, and now it's you - I'll never have any friends anymore!"
"You know, you can always consider it too," I said, laughing.
"Wouldn't that be just awesome?" he laughed.

And Luke and Esperanza gave me a massive bear hug each and wished me luck. They were my first ever friends in the Underworld, and although I had been raging at them around ten seconds ago, I would still miss them. Esperanza had tears in her eyes as she waved me goodbye and Luke was freely crying probably because now he was ashamed of what he had said and done to me. Also because as the same as Nico, he had lost Bianca and now he was losing me too.
"Hey, mate, I'm sorry for being a little bit mean to you - I mean a lot. I'm gonna miss you so much, mate," he said.
"It's fine, Luke. No matter what you do to me, no matter what you say to me, you'll always be my first ever friend in Elysium, and the one who taught me to walk through a fence. I'll miss you too, mate," I said, beginning to cry myself, too.
The time seemed to pass really slowly, as I went around, farewelling everybody, crying. I felt really sorry to have to leave, but I really needed Piper again, and I really wanted to see her. The feeling was eating my entire body up and I knew I had finally come to the right decision.

I waved everyone a final goodbye and dived into the River Lethe. The water felt first boiling hot on my skin and then icy cold the next minute. And as I began to forget my memories, I remembered everything as the memories zipped past me, before being lost forever. Kissing Piper, meeting Thalia for the first time, discovering Camp Half- Blood, the moment when I received the prophecy that told me about what would happen if me and Piper both went after Caligula, so we were proper lover idiots and we went after him and then of course I died. I remembered when Piper split up with me, and Piper's anguished face as I died. I had brought her so much pain and how had I repaid her by dying! As I looked down at where my wound used to be, I discovered that it had been healed by the water in the River Lethe. I started to stop swimming and rotating my arms. What was I trying to do? Then some things, I do not know what they were called, they started grabbing and pushing me towards the other side of the river. They seemed urgent and trying to get me across this river before someone noticed. There were these spirit things, and they were waving away from me and as I was passing away from them and towards the other side of the river. As I mounted the bank of the river, I turned back and I saw that the rest of the group that I had been on the other side, waving and gesturing for me to go through this archway that read over the top of it: Rebirthers, walk through here please. Who knew people could be so polite down here in this dark dingy place? I wonder who the ruler is? I want to complain to him. And the only thing that is in my mind is Oklahoma. What? Where is Oklahoma?Is it a person, place? Thing? What or who or where is this Oklahoma? Will this ruler require me to know what Oklahoma is? I am now terrified. If do not know what Oklahoma is, will I be killed or something? Is it a crime or something? I have a feeling that this is really important. And I will need to know this pretty soon, or else my life will not work out perfectly. I struggle to walk and so I decided to attempt to crawl towards the arch. I did not know what rebirth meant, but I assumed that that was where I was meant to be going towards. Another person was wandering aimlessly vaguely towards the same arch thing that I was crawling towards. She ( I think she was of the female sex), was also being cheered on by a group of vagabonds from the other side of the river bank. Could they not see that we were struggling? Or maybe they were some cruel, human destroyer's group? Or even very possibly, they worked for the government, a cruel harsh and imposing government? How soon could I leave this horrible place? This seemed like a horrible idea, but I could not see any other way to leave this place: I walked through the archway. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. It suddenly seemed very peaceful as if I was on a cloud, and for some reason or another, I knew exactly what it would feel like to be flying, as if I had done it before. Of course I had not, it was impossible to fly, unless you were in this big tube thing that had wings. What was this thing called? My memory is gone, oops! I straighten my shoulders and walk through the arch like an idiot. Instantly I am surrounded by people, telling me turn back turn back, live the rest of my underworld time without memories, and that they will come back eventually. That the people on the other side of the river will look after me until I regain my memories. No I tell them firmly enough. I want to see Piper, and I won't go back or hold it off any longer, because then I will procrastinate way way way too much and then I won't see Piper again. I have to do this. I boldly shoulder my way through them and towards a massive throne with a massive male sitting on it. He looks sternly before the person there: a young female girl, she is beautiful. I turn away. I can't think of what punishment she might get.

The big dude on the throne speaks to her "and you can't think of anything."

"No well, um I can think of this place, it looks like it is said Paris."

"Paris, yes Paris excellent. And can you think of a particular street or number in Paris"

"Um, nothing particular is coming to me, except thirty eight and Nicholas Flamel, near where he lived."

"I see. You, there, where did Nicholas Flamel live?"

"51 Rue de Montmorency, Paris"

"And is there a couple expecting a child?"

"No, but as the young woman pointed out, a single woman is expecting a child at number thirty eight."

"I see, now young woman, would you prefer to stay the way you are or change?"

I was confused, until I realised that he wanted to know if the woman wanted to stay female or become a male.

"I would rather stay the way I was, thank you very much." She looked scandalised by this suggestion. She was clearly not from this time because she seemed from Victorian times.

"Okay, and are the couple expecting a girl child?" He was directing this to one of his servants. These servants had leather balck wings and bat shrivelled heads. I knew their names: It was on the tip of my tongue, but I had forgotten because of my bathe in the River thing!

The thing clicked its fingers"They are now." He had a cheeky grin.

"Brilliant!" He cackled an evil laugh, and everyone looked at him as if he was crazy Even his wife (I think it was his wife. She was sitting next to him on a similar chair thing, and she whispered in his ear and seemed to subdue him).

"And what is your name?"

"Um, well you see I don't remember."

"I see, you come up with a female name right now! Or I will grab my stygian iron and slice you up."

"Um yes, well I see, let's go, Bob!"

"No you idiot! A female name!" His hand rested on a wicked looking sword that was black.


"Yes, your new name is Emily, okay."


"And you another Fury, give me another name"


This Fury thing seemed more sure of themselves.

"Okay, now your parents are called Charlene and Andre Marchant"

"Okay yes I see."

"Alright now, Damian and Buffy, take her and deliver her to 38 Rue de Montmorency, Paris, do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

They escorted the young woman away presumably to 38 Rue de Montmorency, Paris, wherever that was.

Another young woman escorted me towards the space where the young woman was standing towards the man on his chair.

"Hello, young man, Can you remember anything?"

I have learnt of Emily Jane's mistakes so I confidently replied with

"Yes, I remember this thing or place called Oklahoma, I think?"

"I see, anything else?"

"No, unfortunately."

"Any couples in Oklahoma expecting a child, Mrs Dodds?" He was directing this at one of his fury people.

"Yes sir, a couple called Harmony and Marc are expecting their second child, a boy whom they have already named Theodore James in the house of 1844 W David Drive. If the boy accepts the place he will have a 4 year old sister called Skyla Kelsey."

"I see, and are you happy to be called Thoedore James and be a boy still." He was now talking to me.

"Yeah, sure that's fine, I guess." I really had no idea what I was saying, honestly, but I decided that trying to agree with this person was probably going to get me through this alive.

"Alright, now deliver him to 1844 W David Drive, Oklahoma."

I was taken away by 2 young men, both of whom looked incredibly fierce, towards my new life and seeing that beautiful woman again. The one with kaleidoscopic eyes, and brown choppy hair and a beautiful gorgeous smile. Would I find her in Oklahoma? I could only hope. 

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