Chapter 15

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~Taylor's POV~
"My name is not Allison Burk. This is not the 'real' me. The 'real' me is someone who is afraid of what comes after her everyday. I am scared day by day because they come after me. Trying to break me and hurt me. I didn't now it was only because of my looks. I changed everything about me just to fit in. I wanted to have friends and be cared about. I have that now. Only because I'm acting like someone that I'm not. I'm sorry." Allison said.

"Then who are you?" Carter asked.

"My name is Alex McBride. I changed because I was afraid of you guys. Day by day you would kill me more and more. It had to stop."

"You're really Alex?" I asked.

"Yes. All I did was change my hair color, eye color, and the way I acted. You guys can keep on hurting me because it will no longer hurt me. Please leave." Alex said.

I got up and all the boys followed. We got to the door and I turned around and gave Alex a hug. All the other guys just left and walked down the street.

"Look, I'm sorry that I hurt you and that I lied to you. I need to know that the real you is still in there." I said.

"The old me is no longer inside my body and no longer inside my mind. She will never come back. She was always afraid of everything. I can't bring her back! I just can't! And I won't!" She said, raising her voice at me. Then she slammed the door in my face. I walked back to school alone.

Once I got inside, it was already fifth period. That meant lunch time. I wasn't hungry so I went to the tables outside. I was going to sit down at one of them but I didn't. Instead I went over to a tree and started to climb to the top. Once I reached the top, I just sat there. I closed my eyes and thought hard about what I had done. I tried to think of it the other way around. I couldn't do it though. It was too hard to picture the pain she goes through everyday. I opened my eyes and looked at the beautiful view. It took me back to when I was in sixth grade.

"I wanted to know if you could come over to my house tonight. Maybe we could swim and play in my treehouse. Do you want to?" I asked Alex. She was so pretty.

"I'd love too. Since we live next to each other, do you want to walk home with me? We can stop and get ice cream from the guy on Bellview Street. He gives me free ice cream if I ever ask."

"Sure!" I answered.

After we stopped for ice cream we headed to our houses. We got to my house and she ran across the yard to her house. I ran upstairs and put on my bathing suit and ran downstairs to grab some towels. I went into the backyard and put the towels down on one of the lawn chairs. Alex came running into my yard from hers. She was wearing a blue bikini with black polka dots. She jumped on my back and I carried her down the steps and into the pool. She jumped off my back and swam towards the deep end. She then got out and went down the slide. Then she made me go down the slide. We went off the diving board a few times and swam until my mom told us that dinner was ready.

We were up in my treehouse eating dinner and looking at the view. We lived on a hill and you could see all the beautiful city lights. We sat there and talked for what felt like hours. Then she said that she had to leave.

"Wait!" I said.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Come over here. I have one last thing for you."

"Okay!" And she walked back over to me and sat down.

"What is it?" She asked.

"This." I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. I could tell she was blushing, but I was also blushing so it didn't matter.
~Flashback over~

I really like her. I blew it all because of the guys. I know that me asking her out was crazy but I lied to her and told her that I didn't care. I hate myself. Just then I heard the bell for sixth period ring.

I got to social studies class and sat down next to Cam and Jack Gilinsky. We passed notes during class but they were all about Alex. I felt horrible. I didn't reply to any of them. I couldn't stand it. I raised my hand and Mr. Torax called on me.

"Yes, Taylor?"

"May I be excused, please? I don't feel very good. I might puke."

"Yes, you may be excused. Please get better Mr. Caniff."

I got out of my seat and grabbed my books and left. I went to my locker to grab my homework and backpack then left.

Once I got to my house, I dropped all of my things on the floor and ran to my old treehouse. I climbed the ladder and so many memories came back. I hadn't been up there since I was in seventh grade probably. Know I was now a junior in high school. I sat on the edge and looked at all the buildings and cars that were in the city. It was still beautiful without all the lights. I sat there for hours just thinking. I heard footsteps behind and someone sat down next to me. It was Alex.

"What are you doing up here?" She asked me.

"Not much, just thinking. What about you?"

"I saw you over here and figured that you needed to talk to someone. I know I do."

"Thanks. Do you remember back to sixth grade when you came over to swim and we sat up here and ate dinner together?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I miss those days when we were best friends. We were looking out into the city at all the lights that night, kind of like we are right now."

"Yeah. You were the first girl I ever brought up here."

"How many girls have been up here?" She asked.

"Two. The other one was my mom. She wanted to see what was up here and what I had been doing." I said with a small chuckle. Alex let out a small giggle too. Her laugh was really cute.

"Can I ask you something Alex?" I asked her.

"Sure." She said looking into my eyes.

"Do you ever think that..."
Ohhh cliffhanger!!! Love it. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for over 660 reads! HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉🎊!!!!!!!!! Hope you guys had a gr8 2014 and hope you guys have a gr8 2015! Luv ya guys ~BÆ💭

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