Chapter 22

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~Alex's POV~
It's been two years.
•Two years since the break up
•Two years since I moved to California
•Two years since I left my brother back in Miami
•Two years since I've seen Taylor
•Two years since I became a brunette again but with baby blue eyes
•Two years since Haley broke up with Cameron, moved in with me, and changed her eye color to green

I woke up this morning in my beachfront house. It's more like a mansion though.

I went downstairs and my best friends Haley, Hannah, Savanna (Savy), Amber, and Amber's younger sister, Zora, were already up. My other best friend, Abby, is flying in today from Texas. She went back to see her family over the past week. I had the girls sleepover last night because we were watching a marathon of Teen Wolf all night last night.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Haley said with a laugh.

"You know what today is Haley. That is why I'd rather just stay in my bed all day." I said.

"It has been two years." Haley whispered.

Nobody else knew about what happened when I was younger. I just want to put it in the past.

We made pancakes for breakfast. After I finished, I went upstairs to take a shower. When I was done I wrapped a towel around me and picked out my outfit for the day. I was wearing:
-red polka-dot bandana
-denim high-waisted shorts
-white lace crop top
-gold necklace
-white Vans
I curled my hair and did my makeup. Just some foundation, eyeliner, and some mascara.

I ran back downstairs and all the girls were staring in awe at their phones, except for Haley.

"OMG! We have to go to Magcon this weekend! They are going to be here!" Savy yelled.

"When?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." They all responded in unison.

"Sure, why not." I said.

"I can't wait to meet them! They are so hot!" Amber squealed.

"I bet they are." I said while laughing.

"Okay, who is going with me to pick up Abby at the airport?" I asked.

"I will." Haley said.

"I'm going over to Justin and Max's house." Savy said.

"We are going to go to home. See you later." Amber said while grabbing Zora's hand.

"Okay. See you gals later." I said, grabbing my keys, phone, and wallet.

Haley and I walked out to my car and we headed to the airport.

"What is Magcon?" I asked Haley.

"It stands for 'meet and greet convention'. That's the only thing I know about it."

"I guess we will find out the rest tomorrow." I said.

~at the airport~
"Alex! Haley!" Abby yelled.

"Abby!" We both yelled in unison.

The three of us got into a big group hug.

"I missed you so much!" Abby said as we were walking to my car.

"It's only been a week." I said.

We all started laughing and got into my car. On the way to Haley, Abby, and I's house, we stopped to get Starbucks.

"We're going to something called Magcon tomorrow night. Alex and I don't know much about it." Haley said to Abby.

"Oh, I've heard of that before. Why are we going if we don't know anything about it?" Abby asked.

"Savy, Amber, Hannah, and Zora wanted to go. They said the guys in it are hot." I explained.

"Well they always focus on guys." Haley said, which made us all laugh.

"Well, we're home now. I'm going to go watch Netflix in my bedroom." I said.

"Okay. I'm going to unpack and sleep for awhile." Abby said.

"I'm going to make us lunch and swim if anyone wants to join me. I was wondering if a certain someone could call up and invite over five best guy friends of ours. Eh, eh." Haley said, elbowing me in the shoulder.

"Fine. I will call o2l (A/N- I know they broke up but in this story they are still together) and ask them to come over to swim. Now let's get out of my car and inside." I suggested.

We got inside and did everything we needed to do and I called the guys over. We swam for a while and talked for a really long time. We ate dinner together and watched a movie. Then they all left and we went to bed. I can't believe I'm going to be doing something that my friends want to do that involves cute boys supposedly.
I bet you didn't see this chapter coming. Two whole years into the future! Thank you for 1.56k reads! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I added most of you guys who wanted to be in my story. Still three spots open. Just message me! Luv ya guys ~Bæ👑

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