Chapter 2

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Third Person POV

They reached the college and parked the car at its usual place.

It was the first year for Tanya which soon was going to turn in 2nd after giving exams.

It was going to be his last year and only 6 months had left for graduation.

He had already applied for the scholarship at Howard University. He wanted that scholarship at any cost.

So that after coming back he can ask for Tanya's hand for marriage from her parents.

He knew that her parents won't get their daughter to marry someone who is from the middle class.

He just wanted the right time to tell Tanya about his feelings before it would get late.

"Kabir, where are you lost? Come on we are getting late" She asked him with a worried look.

He shook her head and smiled when he saw the worried look in her eyes for him.

"Nothing. Come on." He said

They both walked inside the college then went to their respective classes.




During lunchtime, they were sitting at a table and were having their lunch which his mother had packed for both.

After completing it, they were talking to each other. A boy came whose name was Vihaan.

He was a spoilt brat whose parents got him whatever he wanted. He is Tanya's classmate and he has a big crush on her.

Today he wanted to propose to her and wanted her as his girlfriend. He cleared his throat when he reached her table.

Both Kabir and Tanya looked at him. Vihaan turned toward Tanya and sat on his one knee before her.

Now the whole college was looking at this scene with interest while Kabir was looking at this scene with anger.

"Tanya, I've liked you since the day I saw you. You are so beautiful and I want you to be my girlfriend. I am rich and I will buy you everything you want. So what's your answer?" Vihaan said loudly so that everyone can hear him.

Before Tanya could reply, Kabir stood from the chair and said: "No, she doesn't want to."

Tanya looked at him with shock while Vihaan stood up and said: "Who are you to decide anything related to her?"

Kabir didn't reply which made Tanya sad. She thought that he would say that he loves her.

Vihaan turned toward her and clutched her hand and said "Would you" 

Kabir went toward and removed his clutch from her hand and said: "Stay away from her."

Vihaan pushed her in anger and he stumbled and Tanya stood up and quickly held him.

Kabir pushed him and shouted, "Because I love her."

His eyes widened when he realized what he did in his anger. Now he got scared. 

What if this ruined their friendship. He can't even imagine this situation.

He dreaded to look toward Tanya's eyes but he had to do it. Everyone was whispering to each other.

But when he turned to face her, he got amazed after watching the love in her eyes for him.

Tanya's heart started to pound inside her rib cage. She couldn't believe that she had finally heard the words from his mouth which she was craving for 2 years.

She hugged him tightly and said "I love you too"

Kabir hugged her with equal passion and got happy after hearing the words from her mouth.

They pulled away when they saw their surroundings. Tanya looked at Vihaan who was looking at both of them in shock.

"I am not a commodity whom you can buy with your dad's money. You really think that you could lure me to be your girlfriend. I hope you got my answer, Mr. Vihaan Chaudhary" Tanya said in a cold voice.

Kabir grabbed her hand and Tanya squeezed it gently and they both walked out of the Cafeteria.

They didn't say anything to each other as they don't know what to say after their confession.

So after saying bye to each other they left for their respective classes.




They reached Kabir's house and didn't say anything to each other in college and during the ride. 

They both were nervous as hell but still wanted to talk to each other about what happened in Cafeteria.

Now they were sitting in the living room. His mother was still not at home.

And her parents were not at home too. Tanya was the one who broke the silence.

She turned to him and said, "do you really love me or you did that because of that stupid."

She was sad when thought about that and was feeling stupid because she had confessed her love for him.

Kabir looked at her in shock and felt pain in his chest when he saw her sad face.

He cupped her cheeks and said "No Tanya. I really love you. I had started loving you since I got to know the meaning of love. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. I thought that you liked me just as a friend. I..."

Tanya cut him off by her lips. She didn't know how to kiss so she just pressed her lips to him.

After some seconds, they both started to kiss each other. It was awkward at first since it was their first kiss.

But with each second passing, their kiss turned passionate. Tanya pulled back and they both were breathing hard.

Tanya was blushing hard and looked at him from under her lashes and gave him a shy smile.

Kabir chuckled after watching her face turn red. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead then said: "I love you and I won't leave you alone."

She just smiled and said, "I love you too."

They were in their happy world and were thinking that no one can snatch their happiness 

Only If, it was possible.

Authors Note

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