Chapter 3

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Third Person POV

It was the day after graduation. Kabir had finally graduated and got his degree.

Tanya and Kabir were lying on her bed as her parents were out of state for the work leaving her alone as always.

Her head was on his chest while his arm was circling around her. She was playing with the blanket.

Their thoughts were filled regarding their respective future. Both wanted to talk to each other about it but couldn't muster the courage.

Tanya's thoughts went toward the conversation her parents had with her.

"I wanted to tell you something." She whispered softly

Kabir sighed and said, "I wanted to tell you something too." 

"Okay, you go first," Tanya said softly while making circles on his chest.

"I got an email from Howard University. They have accepted my request and gave me the scholarship." He said with a smile.

She pulled away and hugged him tightly and said "Wow congratulations. I knew it. I am so happy for you."

Kabir gave her a small smile and said "I am going to leave after 1 week. And will come back after 2 years."

Tanya's smile faltered at this sentence. She looked at him with shock and shook her head.

"2 years but my parents wanted to marry me with someone within 2 months." Tanya babbled while raking her fingers into her soft hair.

She looked at him then said "please talk to my parents before leaving. Tell them that you are ready to marry me."

Kabir looked at her with sad eyes and said "I can't do that. They won't let me marry you, Tanya. But don't worry, just try to postpone the proposal as much as you can. I promise to marry you after coming back."

"Kabir at least tell them about it. They are not going to listen to me. Please, Kabir." She pleaded with him

"What aren't you understanding they would reject me. I am not the type of groom your parents want." He said with a slightly raised voice.

"Then can you please cancel your scholarship for some time. You can apply it again after our marriage, please." She said with teary eyes.

He looked at her bewildered. This option was something he can't choose. It was out of his reach.

He removed her hands which were clutching his and said "I am sorry Tanya. I can't do that. I won't leave my dream for anyone. Not even you."

He got up from the bed and said "Goodbye Tanya."

She looked at his retreat form then the door closed with a slam. She placed her hand on her face and sobbed.




Tanya closed her eyes and tried very hard not to cry but still some tears left from her eyes.

"So it's final. You are going to marry Aarav Verma after two weeks. Tomorrow is your engagement. Go and do some shopping with your mother." Her father said with a smile

She just stayed silent because it's not like they were asking for her permission.

They were just simply telling her and as always dictating her life without asking her anything.

She went to her room after that and locked the door. She slumped on the floor and sobbed while covering her mouth to muffle it.

It has been two months since Kabir left after saying goodbye. 

She pleaded with him again to talk to her parents but he denied and left breaking her heart.

She really loves him with all her heart but it looks like he never did love her.

If he did, then he won't tell her to marry that person if her parents won't wait.

Her heart was paining like hell and she just wanted relief from this pain.

Maybe he was not in her destiny. Maybe he was destined to find someone better than her.

Who knows maybe he already found someone. That thought drew a whimper from her mouth.

She wiped her eyes and sniffled. She stood up and walked to the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror.

Her face was red and pale while her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Her nose was running.

She shook her head and threw the water at the mirror and watched the blurry image of her in the mirror.

She washed her face and put a fake smile on her face. Now she was ready to face the world again.




It was her wedding day. The groom is none other than Kabir's cousin Aarav.

She wanted a simple wedding and a simple wedding dress. Her parents were disappointed with it but didn't say anything.

She always had craved for this day but with Kabir not with his cousin or anyone else

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She always had craved for this day but with Kabir not with his cousin or anyone else.

Her make up was simple and she didn't wear any jewelry other than a necklace and earrings.

She was going to start her new life but she just wasn't ready for it.

Her mother came inside and looked at her daughter with a smile. She was indeed looking like a fairy.

"My daughter is looking so beautiful. Come it's time for some talk." Her mother said and took her toward the bed.

They both sat on it then she continued "You are going to get married today. Remember our husbands are our God. We should respect and accept their wishes. Don't fight with him. And about your wedding night"

She then lowered her voice and said "It would hurt only a little. But don't deny him for it. Okay, baby. Let him do it."

She held her daughter's face gently and turned to look at her "Are you listening to me?" 

Tanya turned her head toward her mother and said coldly with empty eyes "I won't deny him, mother."

Her eyes were empty and void of any emotions. Now there are no tears left to cry. 

Authors Note

Hello guys

Hope you liked it

So now Tanya is getting married to Kabir's cousin.

What do you think about going to happen next?


Till then

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