Chapter 7

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Third Person POV

Aarav pushed the door open with his leg and entered inside with Tanya still on his arms.

He walked until he was just 10 inches away from the bed. Instead of a bed, he dropped her on the floor.

She screamed in pain when her body came into contact with the floor. Her bones were vibrating due to his act.

She looked at him with teary eyes and saw him glaring at her with anger.

She cowered back in fear when he took steps toward her. He squatted in front of her and grabbed her hair into his fists.

"Do you really think that you can whore around in my house and I won't get to know about it." He barked

She shook her head and opened to her mouth to say something but cut her off with a hard slap.

"You were fucking my brother behind my back. He was the one who took your virginity right?" He seethed in anger.

She looked at me with a shocked face and said "I didn't do that. Please leave me." 

He again slapped her and said "Don't lie to me, you slut. I had heard it from my own ears."

"I am sorry. I loved him, that's why we did that. Please forgive me." She pleaded with him and joined her hands in front of him.  

She has to save her child from him. She didn't want to lose this child also.

He laughed loudly and removed his belt from his pants and wrapped it on his hand.

She saw this and was about to get up but a hit on her back stopped her.

She yelped in pain and burst out crying. It was hurting but he didn't stop.

He lashed her back with the belt for half an hour. Her skin started to split open and blood started to ooze out.

She was just lying on the floor in the pool of her own blood. She grabbed her stomach in order to save her child.

He was panting hard and drooped the belt on the floor. He opened the button of his pants and unzipped it.

He kneeled in front of her and raped her brutally. She was sobbing hard and bit her lips to stop her screaming.

He left her when he got satisfied and stood up. He looked at her naked and bruised figure.

But still, he was feeling angry, so he started to kick her. He heard a blood hurling scream when he kicked her stomach.

She started to cough blood and he started to panic when he saw this. 

She stopped moving and he saw this. He shook her but got no response. 

He was thinking that she died so he grabbed his passport and money with his belongings and fled from the house.

She opened her eyes as soon as she heard the sound of the main door closing.

She covered her face with her hand and wept loudly. She placed her hand on her stomach and realized that her baby was gone once again. 

She could feel the blood seeping out of her vagina and that thought made her cry hard.

She crawled with so much difficulty and grabbed her phone from the table.

She dialed the number of that person who could help her. She could feel the energy draining out of her body.

She placed the phone on her ear and the person picked up after a few seconds.

"Hello, Kabir. Please save me." She said with so much difficulty and passed out that moment.




Kabir was about to lie on the bed when he heard his phone ringing. It was from an unknown number.

He picked up the phone and before he could say something he heard something which shattered his heart.

"Hello, kabir. Please save me." She said painfully and then no response.

"Hello. Hello," He shouted but didn't get any response.

He went downstairs and got into his car and drove toward Aarav house.

His intuition was correct. Something was really wrong with them.

He reached the house and got out of the car. He knocked on the door but the door was already opened.

"Tanya," he said but met with an eerie silence.

He checked downstairs but didn't see anyone. So he went upstairs and went toward their room.

He gasped and his eyes widened when he saw the heartbreaking scene in front of his silence.

She was lying naked on the floor while blood was oozing out of her vagina. 

He took steps toward her and went toward the closet and came back with a loose nightdress.

He dressed her in it and shook her but she was not responding. He lifted her in his arms and walked out of the house.

He reached the hospital and the doctors took her straight to the ICU.

It has been a week since she was in Coma. She is not responding to their medicine.

The doctor told him to pray to god. Only he could save. 

He called her parents and they came quickly. But started to blame themselves when they saw and heard about her condition.


Kabir wiped the tears but still, the tears aren't stopping. He kissed her hand again and this time he feels something 

He saw the movements in her fingers. He looked at her mother and saw that she did notice it too.

His eyes lit up when he saw her moving her eyes. He immediately called the doctor.

They told them to leave the room. Kabir was pacing the floor in nervousness.

The doctor came out after 15 minutes and said: "you can meet her." 

They nodded and went inside the room. Kabir saw that Tanya was looking pale and almost drained out.

He and her mother sat on the chairs and Tanya moved her gaze toward them and said

"What are you doing here"

Authors Note

Hello guys

Hope you liked it.

The next one is going to be the last one.

What do you think about this chapter?


Till then

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