Chapter 8

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Third Person POV

Kabir looked at her with confusion. She is the one who called him to help her but what happened to her now.

But he saw that her gaze was on her mother. Tanya was looking at her mother with hateful eyes.

"Sweety I heard about you and I.." Her mom was cut off by her palm.

"Shut up. You are not my mother. I don't have a father either. I am an orphan." Tanya said venomously

Her mother had tears in her eyes but she just doesn't care about it anymore.

God just gave her a little time to talk to them and she doesn't want to waste it.

"You never gave me the love that I have been craving since childhood. You never paid any attention to me. You were never there for me when I needed you. You just gave me a lot of money." She said and tears started to come out of her eyes.

She took a deep breath then continued "But money can't do anything right. You didn't even care about my tears. You didn't care about my health. You never cared about me. You got me married to a monster without even asking me if I wanted to marry him or not."

Her mother was just silently crying. It pained her that she had hurt her mother.

From childhood, she tried to be their ideal child. She did whatever they told her too.

Tanya wiped her tears and said "You and Dad were a sorry excuse of parents. You should be ashamed. I called you when he had hit me for the first time. But what you did. You told me to accept his beating and avoid making mistakes."

Her mother was ashamed and she turned her gaze downwards. She is really a bad mother.

"And I got to know that you had left the country. I was alone, mom. He was abusing me. He was raping me. Mom, he even killed his child a lot of times. I needed you that but as always my mom was not there for me. "Tanya was sobbing badly

"I hate you, mom. And I hate dad too. You don't deserve to be parents. I hope God will punish you. Get out." She said with a cold voice

Her mother looked at her and said: "I am sor-" 

Tanya cut her off and shouted with all her power "GET OUT"

She left the room in tears without knowing that this is the last time she is ever going to see her daughter.

There was a silence in the room which Kabir broke by clearing his throat.

"Tanya I am so sorry. Please forgive me." He said with joined hands while tears were flowing from his eyes.

She just sighed and said, "now there is no time left for apologizing."

She sniffled then continued "you know I had waited for you even a day before my marriage. I had a feeling inside me that was continuously saying that you won't leave me alone."

She looked into his eyes without any emotions "He raised his hand on me for the first time on our wedding night when he got to know that I am not a virgin."

Kabir looked at her with guilt. It was his decision to make love before their wedding.

She was against it but still did that because he wanted to do that. Just because of his happiness.

"From that day, he didn't stop hitting me. He even killed my babies when they were in my womb. He was a monster." She said with a tired face.

"Your time is up, my child." She heard the voice of their creator.

She trembled and looked at him with a sad face and said: "I always loved you Kabir and I still do."

Her breathing was coming irregularly. He noticed that he called the doctor in a panic.

Tanya just shook her hand and with a choked voice said: "Only If......"

Her breathing stopped and finally, she is free from all this pain.

She had been wishing for this chance for 2 years and now finally God has heard her prayer.

Kabir shook her hand and shouted for the doctors. They came after a few seconds and again sent him outside.

They came after a few minutes with a sad face and said: "I am sorry Mr. Arora but she is dead."

Kabir couldn't believe his ears. He looked at the doctor with a baffled look and said: "you are lying."

The doctor just shook him and said "it's true. Excuse me." And left.

Kabir slumped down on the chair and sobbed loudly. She left him just like he left her.

He closed her eyes and remembered her smile and the way she blushed when she kissed him.

The way her eyes would always lit up when he said 'I love you' to her. 

Her mother saw him crying outside. She asked him "What happened? " 

"She left me," he said with quivering lips.

She sat down beside him with shock. Her daughter is dead. It was very hard for her to swallow.

She burst out crying. She called her husband who was in the meeting and told him to come here.

Kabir was just staring at the wall ahead of him with a blank look.

Only If, he could change his past. Only If, he could rectify his mistake. Only if, he would not have left her.

She would have been alive. It was his mistake. God would punish him and he is ready to accept it.

Only If

Authors Note

Hello guys

Hope you liked it

So yeah it was the end.

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Till then

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