Chapter 4

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Third Person POV

Her heart was hammering in her chest when she heard the sound of the door opening.

It was her wedding night and she was sitting on his bed where a while silk bed sheet was spread 

The room was decorated with rose petals and scented candles.

She was alone in this house with him as his parents and sister live in another house.

His sister left her in his bedroom. She covered her face with a veil and winked at her before leaving the room and said Enjoy.

How could she enjoy it with him? The bed dipped and she clenched her fists when he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hello" she heard his hard voice 

She trembled when he lifted her veil and placed it on her head. Her eyes were clenched shut.

Aarav looked at her beautiful face and got mesmerized with it. He moved his hand toward her cheeks and caressed it.

She flinched when she felt his hand on her cheek. She turned her face to the left and opened her eyes.

His hand fell from her cheeks and landed on her breast. She pushed him away before he could feel her.

He frowned and turned her face toward him and said: "Don't push me"

She nodded her head and he smiled. He removed the veil completely from her body, leaving her only in a blouse and skirt.

She started to panic but took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. He leaned toward her face and kissed her vibrating lips.

She froze. Her mind was not working as this situation was out of her control.

He started to kiss her hard and bit her lips drawing a whimper out of her mouth.

He bit her lips again and she opened her mouth in pain. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth and started to play with her tongue.

He removed her jewelry, which was only a necklace and earrings while kissing her neck.

He pulled the knot of her blouse string and unhooked it from behind. The blouse got loosened from the front.

He pulled back and removed her blouse completely leaving her bare to his eyes as she was not wearing a bra underneath.

Now her senses came back and she pushed him and said: "Please give me some time."

He looked at her with an irritated expression and said "Too late. Now I am hard and turned on. I won't stop now. So lie back."

She pleaded with him again but he didn't listen to her and pulled the knot of her skirt and removed it from her body.

She was now lying only in red silk panties. He groaned and caressed her hard from above her panties.

She whimpered and wriggled but stopped when he gave her angry glare.

"Don't push me to force you. Now be a good girl and enjoy it." He seethed.

He grabbed the hem and tore it making her shout as the elastic dug on her vagina.

He threw it away and stood up to remove his clothes. He again sat on the bed near her legs.

He looked at her milky white naked body and held his dick in his hands and stroked it hard.

He hovered over her and sat between her legs. He pulled them apart and looked at her shaved vagina.

He couldn't control himself and leaned down to lick it gently. She shuddered in disgust and pushed his head away.

He growled loudly making her jump. He clutched her face between his fingers and squeezed it hard.

"You don't deserve the pleasure." He said and placed his dick on her entranced and entered inside with a hard.

She screamed loudly and tried to push him hard but he grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head.

His thrusts were making her feel agony and she was sobbing in pain.

After 5 minutes, he came inside her with a grunt and fell on her. He left her hands and she wiped her tears.

He pulled away after some time and removed his dick slowly but got the shock of his life.

She closed her eyes and was crying loudly. She heard his loud voice and her face paled.

"You are not a virgin." He said as soon as he saw no bloodstains on the bedsheet and his dick.

She looked at it with a scared look and stuttered "I... I am not."

As soon as she completed the sentence, she got a hard slap on her face.

She shrieked in pain and placed her hand on her burning cheek. He grabbed her hair and pulled her toward him.

"With whom you have slept, you whore?" He yelled at her

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped. She didn't want to take his name.

She didn't want to tell him that it was his own cousin with whom she had slept.

He again slapped her and shouted, "Answer me, you bitch." 

"I don't remember" she mumbled 

But that was her biggest mistake. His eyes turned dark and red. She can already see the steam coming out of his ears.

He leaned closer to her and said: "How about I fuck the answer out of you?" 

He again pushed his dick inside her and pounded hard inside her making her scream and weep.

The whole night he destroyed her not once but many times. It was around the morning time when he left her.

He pushed her out of the bed with a blanket and told her to sleep on the floor. He said that it was her place to sleep from now on.

She just took the blanket and covered her bruised body with it. She was staring at the wall ahead of her with a painful face.

Her body was hurting like hell and her vagina had gotten swollen and now blood has started to ooze out due to his brutality.

She covered her mouth to stop her voice from coming out when she heard him snoring.

She can already bet that this marriage would hell to her.

And she wasn't wrong.

Authors Note

Hello guys 

Hope you liked it.

So yeah it was going to be a difficult phase for her.


Till then

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