W = Wayo

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AN: sorry this was supposed to go up last night, but i had a horrible headache and finished a few minutes ago. 

W = Wayo

All of his life Wayo has had Ming by his side, every memory of his childhood was filled with laughs because of him, his parents were best friends so they saw each other constantly, the moment they go to the same school they were joined at the hip. He always helped him, and stayed as his friend through the years, defending him of bullies and assisting him with homework, they were almost like brothers. That was precisely the reason Wayo noticed small things in Ming, like how he always ended in front of his little altar for Phana every time they were studying in his room.

"Isn't he handsome Ming?"

"You are getting more creepy Yo" he said with a smirk in his face and turning to walk to the spot on the bed with all his books

"Soon i won't need those pictures, because i will see him every day" the dreamy tone he used making his friend gag

"Let study so you can pass the exam" Ming said but every once in a while his eyes would turn to the Phana's shrine.


Wayo was a little blind in Phana's handsomeness, a silly crush on the ideal the guy represented, and maybe that's why he didn't pay much attention to the first time Ming crossed eyes with Pha, there was something, almost like recognition, a spark of mischief on his friend eyes, and it was almost mirrored on the campus moon.


He was acting strange, and that had to end, Ming was drawing away from him, and he knew what was the reason, a very stupid one really his friend was being a dumbass thinking he was just going to accept that, he had to turn Ming to the right side before he lost himself... Wayo had enough with sad Ming, he would not let his friend fall down so low again, not ever again.


Ming was snapped back from his thoughts to reality by the laughs of some of his classmates. He quickly packed his things and hurried to the cafeteria were Wayo was already there waiting for him. He went to sit with him when Wayo stopped him.

"Let's go," said the small boy standing up.

"Huh?" replied Ming, honestly surprised. "Go where? We have just 30 minutes for lunch, i have to go back, i have obligations as the new campus moon"

Wayo looks Ming directly in his eyes, there's no hiding anything from him. One look was all he needed to know everything he needed to know about what was wrong with Ming. "We'll take your car, we're going. Now."

Ming didn't argue anymore, he and Wayo hurried to the parking lot where they climbed into the car and took off. "Where are we going Yo?"

"I'll tell you in the way, just go" and then he stayed silent again, after a few minutes and some indications they parked and started to walk in a park

"I know you're having a rough time" Wayo said.

"What gave you that idea? I'm perfectly fine as you can see" Ming was trying to deflect the question a bit with his usual cheerful smile.

"No, I just had to take one look in your eyes. I've known you long enough Ming. What i don't know is why you're suffering alone and don't want talk to me about it. You're afraid of burdening your brother?. Of making me feel the same pain you feel?"

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