F = Fear

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F = Fear

This was Beam's birthday party, and his friends had taken him to dinner before the doctor spent all the weekend at the hands of his lover. They were all sitting at the table of the restaurant, cake in front of the smiling man

"Oh! I forgot the candles, they are in the car" laughed Kit a little bit embarrassed

"I'll get the candles, give me your keys P! I'm faster" Ming stood up and reached his hands, Kit gave them to him and the young engineer was running out.

Ming rushed outside eager to get the things so they could start with the party for P'Beam, so he actually for once did not pay attention to the street, he never saw the car coming at him, he was running one moment and then he was blinded by the light of the car, and then he was out like a light.

"How can you forget the candles P'Kit?" laughed Wayo, and Kit tried to hit him with a spoon

"I said i'm sorry, lets just wait for Ming so we can start"

"Eh! Kit, did you tell him where you park- MING!!" screamed Forth and everyone turned to him, from the big window he just saw how a car hit Ming, the car was going to fast and just turned around on a red light, Ming was hit with such force that he was launched over the hood of the car and then flipped in the air just to land on the hard ground, he turned around a rushed to the exit, Phana and pretty much everyone else in the small restaurant too, he ran to his junior and froze at once, Ming was sprawled on the ground unconscious, a puddle of red staining the concrete fast, his left leg was bend in an awkward angle and he had lost his shoes. Phana kneeled next to him, not knowing what to do, in shock at seeing Ming, his hands not really touching him, his eyes rapidly wet, and his breath short "Ming"

Kit and Beam ran to them, Kit pushed Phana to the side, while he and Beam tried to tend to the young man "Yo, call an ambulance" ordered Kit lookin at the shocked man who nodded immediately and with shaky voice started to speak to the phone

Forth turned to see the driver getting out of the car, stumbling in his steps obviously drunk, Forth ran to him and punched the mand sending him to the ground, he would kill this man for doing this to his Noong "P'Forth! P'Forth stop!" Park trying to stop him.

Ming began to wake up, he gasped and tried to move, he was confused, and everything hurt, he knew he was in the ground because he was seeing the sky and the face of Beam and Kit were in front of him.

"Do not move! Ok!? Don't move! Looking at me" ordered Kit holding his head so he couldn't hurt himself "can you hear me Ming?"

"Phana.." moaned in pain the youngman, tears just flowing out of his eyes without his consent, he just wanted his boyfriend there, he felt awful, even breathing was painful, just a second latter Phana was in his sight

"it's ok, don't worry just don't move Ming"

"P'" he gasped "hurts" sobbed and tried to move his hand, Phana hold to it firmly, and kissed his fingers

"Don't close your eyes pretty boy, we have to wait till the ambulance comes ok?"

"I'm trying P" but he couldn't control his body, his eyelids were so heavy, and the corners of his vision got dark "mm sorry- i- so- an't- p"

Ming woke up to the sound of a steady beeping at his side, his leg was propped up, and he felt sore everywhere, his head was pounding hard.

"You have a broken leg, 2 fractured ribs, bruises all over, and a head fracture, it bleed a lot" explained Kit's voice from the side of his bed, he turned slowly to see him, Kit had red eyes and nose, his shirt was stained red. "You can't do this to Phana! He is a mess, they had to take him out"

"I think it wasn't my fault" he tried to remember if he was at fault, probably yes because he remember that he didn't look to the sides

"I know it wasn't! That bastard was drunk and speeding, he didn't stop at the red light he hit you full force..."

"You are crying P'KitKat!" mumbled Ming shocked to see the senior in that state

"Of course i'm fucking crying! You are our friend! We were scared! Phana wasn't moving! Beam and I had to try and fix you, we are not doctors yet!" he stood up and started pacing the room "You can't do this to us Ming, Park had to keep Wayo from going mad he is crying like a baby, Forth almost got arrested, he and Beam are trying to keep Phana calm, so he can come inside" he tried to stop the few remaining tears, he had to remember that Ming was ok, alive and even if the injuries were going to be slow to heal, he indeed would heal.

"Thank you for being here P'Kit, for being the one remaining calm till now, come here" he extended his hands for a hug

"I hate you!" he answered but got closer to the junior and receive the hug that was offered

"Ohh P'Kit!"

"What should I do with Phana if something happened to you!? What would i tell Pin if suddenly her best friend is not alive anymore uh?" he asked trying to make light of the situation

"I'll be more careful next time, shit i have to give P'Beam a better gift, i ruined his party" Ming smiled a little but his face was showing signs of exhaustion

"You better, but i think he will set with you being alive" he stepped back "i'll bring Phana now"

Less than 2 minutes latter Phana was at his side, tear stains in his face, blood in his clothes too, and his hands were still shaking as they cradle Ming's face to kiss him softly

"I was so afraid pretty boy" he whispered tears making an appearance again

"I'm sorry P, i want to keep seeing your face, and hear your voice, but... I feel so tired, can you stay here P? Can you keep holding my hand?"

"Hmm" Phana nodded eagerly "I'll stay with you all night" he assured, taking the chair previously occupied by Kit and sat down holding Ming's hand, the engineer fall asleep quickly, Phana was listening to his breath in the silence, noticing every hitch and sniffle, watched his lashes flicker, and the twitch in the hand he was holding, the slow rise and fall of his chest, trying to remove the residual fear that remained on his mind and heart, and focus on the man in front of him. 


So, here is the truth... i love whump... 

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