Chapter 2: Sous le ciel de Paris

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- Clarke, calm down, we only arrived a few hours ago and after that long flight I'm dead, and so are you. Look, we will get some rest, then we go out for dinner, and after finally some sleep. First thing tomorrow morning we will go to that coffee bar. We'll find her, I already told you that my friend Seline is going to help us. I have texted her that we have arrived, and she has replied that she will come to the hotel tomorrow and will accompany us. - Raven tried to calm her lifelong friend, who walked around the hotel room like a caged dog.

Only an hour ago they had arrived at the picturesque hotel in the center of the French capital, after a long journey. But despite the many hours of flight, Clarke's adrenaline levels were high, and she was finding it hard to relax.

- We're here Raven! In my Nana's dream city, where she lived the great love story of her life, with that woman Alexandrine. I'm still can't believe all she have lived and kept it in secret. I just never imagined anything like that could have happened in her life. - Clarke replied as she placed her hands on her waist, still touched by the whole story revealed in that letter, and in that personal journal of her Nana.

It was a diary so moving, revealing, and detailed, that she had already read it a few times. It was almost like Clarke was memorizing every detail that her grandma described. About places and moments full of magic and romance, experienced right where she had just arrived. It was really a beautiful diary, worthy of a romantic Hollywood movie, like the "NoteBook".

- Your grandma was super cool Clarke, I loved that woman as if she were my own grandma. Well, she told me that I was also her granddaughter, even if we were not related by blood. Anyway, I loved her as such. So when you told me the story, it also left me speechless, and with a tight heart, desperate to find that woman as much as you, and fulfill her last wish. Now, how cool that she finally told you, even if it was that way, you know... after she... – Raven didn't wanna mention the pass of her friend's Nana, knowing how much still hurts. Clarke nodded her head pressing her lips in a line. Raven replied the same way back and continue

- Now, going crazy in the first hour of arriving in Paris, is not going to help you in your search for Alexandrine. Try to relax, if you want we can go to the hotel pool, rest there on some chairs, drink some refreshing drinks, celebrate that we finally arrived mon ami. I assure you that my butt is the one that celebrates the most girl. Holly shit!. After a flight of so many hours, they should give you a marker to draw your ass again when you reach your destination. But here we are, no less than in Paris, so smile and Oh la la.... - Raven finally made Clarke laugh heartily and helped her relax a bit.

Clarke knew that her best friend was right, she needed to calm down a bit, and regain her energy. Paris was a very big city, and she had few details to find that woman, that probably implied that she would use a lot of physical and mental energy, in those three weeks of stay. That was the maximum amount of vacation's days she could got, just like Raven on the hospital. Her best friend of so many years also worked in the same place as Clarke did, she was a nurse in the radiology department.

- Yes, you're right, it was nice that she told me, but seriously I would have liked it so much that she would have shared it with me in person... Now I feel like I need to give her a hug so she knows that I love her, and that I support her more than ever. As she always did with me. - Clarke sat down on the bed a little hurt.

It was the truth, she would have wanted so much to give a hug of support and love to her Nana right that moment. Immediately Raven's arm settled gently on her shoulders, squeezing her left one, holding her as she sat next to her.

- Clarke, I'm sure your Nana knows it, and knows that you want to give her a hug, and your love for her, as you are fulfilling her last wish. I have no doubt that your Nana is more than happy that you have arrived in Paris with her ashes and her letter. Can you show me the picture of that woman Alexandrine again? - Raven asked, surprising Clarke a bit, who nodded while taking out from her bag, her Nana's personal diary, and carefully took out the old photo of the woman her grandmother had loved all her life in secret.

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