Chapter 10: Final - Ensemble, tout est possible

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- I... - Clarke tried to say something, but honestly, she was lost for words, and Lexa immediately intervened, trying to help in the confusing situation.

At the same time, a doctor and a nurse came into the room, and they were standing behind Clarke, alerted by the reaction of the old woman.

- Mémé, this is not Clarke... I mean, your Clarke... She is her granddaughter, who is also called Clarke. - Lexa tried to explain with an ached heart.

- Alexandrine, it's a pleasure to finally meet you - Clarke now cleared her throat and put on a sweet smile as she began to walk in the direction of the old woman, with her hand held out to greet her, while in the other she held the urn with the ashes of her Nana and that letter against her chest.

- Lexa, my dear, I know that very well... I was referring to that urn containing the remains of my love... - Alexandrine surprised everyone in the room with her answer, as she rose to approach Clarke, who froze staring at her, unable to believe what she had just heard.

- But how...? You... - Lexa was in shock, on the one hand, she was happy to hear her mémé speak again, but on the other hand, she didn't quite understand how that was possible, after months of being silent, apparently with some brain damage.

- Honey, when your soulmate leaves this plane, it doesn't matter where you are, you know it. That night I learned that my Clarke had gone to the other plane, and my heart broke again. I waited all my life for her to come back to me... And finally, she has... - Alexandrine explained with a calm voice, looking at Clarke, who was still in shock and very emotional, holding that urn, feeling like her heart was racing again.

Alexandrine looked at her with the same eyes that Lexa had looked at her many times, and a sweet smile on her face so illuminated, that Clarke felt she could illuminate the entire universe.

Alexandrine's hands rose, and cupped Clarke's face lovingly, then she leaned in and placed two kisses, one on each cheek. It was then when Clarke couldn't hold back the tears anymore, letting them fall, slowly rolling down her cheeks. Alexandrine looked at her tenderly with that magical smile as she dried her face.

- Clarke... my dear, you are just like her... As my granddaughter is like me... Life is truly wonderful. Don't worry honey, she'll be fine with me until I have to leave. Thank you for bringing her to me, and thank you for loving my granddaughter. - Alexandrine said, without breaking her gaze with Clarke's eyes, who was so excited, that she could hardly answer the woman.

An internal relief filled Clarke, and peace vibrated in her soul, feeling that she had finally fulfilled her Nana's wish, helping her to reunite in some way with the great love of her life.

- But mémé... how... - Lexa still couldn't understand how all this was possible. How her grandma was suddenly so lucid and responded that way to meeting Clarke. Alexandrine take a step back from Clarke and turn to face her shocking granddaughter with a smile.

The doctor and the nurse, who were surprised, stood at the door without intervening, noticing that the elderly patient was really well, and miraculously lucid. This was just a wonderful miracle of love, Lexa thought, leaving her grandma to explain.

- Lexa... dear, I'm old, but I certainly haven't lost my mind, as they thought all this time. I'm very sorry, I'm sorry for having closed in on myself, in my pain. I just couldn't overcome it, knowing that my love left this life without me by her side. But now that she is back to me, everything will be fine. In fact I already want to leave this place, they are all very sweet and helpful, but it depresses me a lot... So please go and get the truck ready, we go home. - Alexandrine said with a smile on her face, giving her granddaughter a wink.

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