Chapter 5: Hymme a l'amour

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Note from the writer:
Lexa will mention her grandmother Alexandrine as "grand-mère" or "mémé" that is in french language. The same when she mention her grandfather as "grand-père" 😊👍🏼🇫🇷

- What about your grandmother, Lexa? - Clarke asked quite nervously waiting for an answer

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- What about your grandmother, Lexa? - Clarke asked quite nervously waiting for an answer.

- Ma mémé..... Yes, she is still alive, thank God. But a while ago she suffered a stroke and it's left ... - Lexa tried to explain but Clarke just felt that she was too slow, her nerves betrayed her, interrupting the brunette.

- NO! Please don't tell me she's in a coma...?! - Clarke pleaded holding Lexa's hands tightly, causing the brunette to divert her eyes for a second to their joined hands, and what she was feeling internally from Clarke's touch.

- No, luckily she had came out of it, but since then it's as if she isn't herself. She doesn't communicate with anyone, and the doctors think she has suffered brain damage. I mean, her body is there, but it's like it's empty, she doesn't even make eye contact. We had to put her in a nursing home where she is constantly cared for. I visit her often, I bring her favorite flowers, I read to her a little, I keep her company, you know. But I miss her every day. Before we were inseparable, companions, confidants. She... told me about your grandmother, about the love they lived, it was something that marked her for life. Your grandmother broke her heart - Lexa's words went deep into Clarke's heart.

Clarke was aware of the pain her Nana had caused and she couldn't deny it, but what Lexa and her grandma didn't know, was that for her Nana it had not been the easiest decision she made in her life. And that she also suffered a lot as a result of leaving her love with a broken heart.

So Clarke didn't looked at the singer with angry eyes, or speak in a defensive tone. She looked at Lexa with sympathetic eyes, and sorrow for what had happened to Alexandrine. At the same time thanking whatever was up there, that she was still alive, even though apparently she had brain damage.

- Oh my God Lexa, I'm very sorry... But at least she's still here... - Clarke expressed with sad eyes, feeling that Lexa had no idea how lucky she was.

At least her grandma was still there, she could see her, speak to her, hug her, she instead didn't have any of that.

- Why do you say that Clarke? Perhaps...? - Now Lexa was the one who squeezed her hands with worried eyes finding hers.

- Yes, my grandma died two months ago. She fell asleep, and her heart stopped as she slept. Doctors say that is the best death because you don't even know when it happens, you just don't wake up... That's why I'm here Lexa. She left me a long letter, and her diary through her lawyer, to tell me the love story with your grand-mère, and the damage she knew she had caused when she left without saying goodbye. Without giving her love an explanation, more than a simple note, not enough to explain the reason for her harsh decision. But she had never stopped loving Alexandrine, never stopped belonging to her. - Clarke explained with wet eyes and with that emotion that overwhelmed her.

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