Chapter 4: Mon Dieu!

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How the hell was it possible? Also the same name?, Lexa thought in complete shock, as she held Clarke's hand. That warm union of hands, instantly produced a strange sensation throughout her entire body, as she lost herself in those blue seas that expressed many inexplicable, but beautiful things.

The blonde's soft skin produced an exquisite sensation on Lexa's hand, and she didn't want to let go, until Clarke's eyes looked at their joined hands for a second, then returned her gaze to Lexa's eyes with a smile and her cheeks slightly flushed.

- Clarke - The way Lexa spoke her name, it was something that repeated like a kind of echo in Clarke's brain.

In addition to that French pronunciation, it was very... Clarke didn't know how to define it, but she loved it. She had also immediately noticed the impact her name had on Lexa, making her open her beautiful green eyes wide like saucers and making her smile nervously.

But Lexa couldn't deny that her heart was racing, the conquering smile that had been on her face since she arrived at the table was erased, and her breath caught in her throat when she heard the name of the beautiful young blonde, who was dying to learn more information. The coincidences couldn't be bigger.

Lexa's wide green eyes couldn't hide her amazement, as she shook Clarke's soft hand. That was a moment that she would never forget, she told herself, not quite knowing why yet, but it was simply something that shook her body and soul.

The contact of their joined hands wreaked havoc on both women, unleashing a new wave of energy that ran through them, causing them to smile in unison in silence. Lexa was still in a very deep trance of admiration and amazement.

Clarke, noticing the shock on Lexa's beautiful face, knew the reason for her astonishment. She smiled somewhat shyly, even without releasing Lexa's hand, since the brunette didn't release hers. She had just frozen, piercing her with her emerald green eyes, bright and so surprised. She knew that Lexa was in shock, as she had been during the show. Surprised not only by her resemblance to her Nana Clarke, but because she bore her name.

Lexa seemed frozen in time, looking at her almost without blinking. But the hustle and bustle in the cafe was annoying to Clarke, and what she wanted to talk to about Lexa was something very special, and she wanted to be able to talk in private.

Clarke managed to break free a little from the magical emerald gaze, she slowly released her grip on Lexa's hand, and turned to Raven who was watching the scene holding her laughter in, since Lexa's face was a picture.

- Raven, I need to talk to Lexa alone. Will it bother you to go back to the hotel with Seline? I have to get out of this place right now and explain, you know. - Clarke asked her friend who looked at her with a little mischief in her eyes.

Raven didn't doubt that what Clarke wanted was to find Alexandrine, and her granddaughter was the one with the answer. She nodded her head understanding that this bustling place was not the most appropriate to speak about something so special. So giving Seline a short look, who replied with a nod, and also gave the same answer to her friend.

Meanwhile, Lexa looked at the three of them, understanding what Clarke had just asked her friend. It surprised her a little, but she liked the idea of going somewhere else, so they could talk in private. She stayed out of the conversation of the three Americans, just looking at them with a smile, settling in her chair a little.

- Yes, sure Clarkie, don't worry, but be careful, okay? If you need to tell me anything, message me via WhatsApp. - Raven answered by taking Clarke's hands to squeeze them a little.

Somehow she wanted to give her strength for whatever she would learn in her conversation with Lexa, of the whereabouts of her grandmother. Without saying more, she just gave a quick wink that made Clarke laugh.

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