Chapter 3: Si Jamais J'oublie

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- Holy Shit! This goes beyond my beliefs - Raven blurted out even without being able to believe what she was seeing.

It was Alexandrine, but she was young like them. How the hell was this possible? Almost instantly Raven reached the only possible conclusion, that perhaps, like Clarke with her Nana, this girl was a carbon copy of Alexandrine, she was probably a descendant of hers as well.

- Mon Dieu! - was all Seline could say without taking her eyes from the photo that she still had in her hands of Alexandrine, and then raising her eyes to the young woman who sang on stage, who was hypnotized by Clarke.

The singer continued to perform that old song so representative of Paris, but she was shocked by the presence of that young blonde sitting at the first table with two other women. It was Clarke, she thought, remembering the photo her grandmother Alexandrine had shown her so many times, of that love of her life, an American blonde woman named Clarke. But how the hell was this possible? Who was that blonde sitting there, and how could she look identical to Clarke?

Without knowing how Lexa blinked a few times, and without being able to believe it she was in another time. Suddenly the café was clouded by a thick cloud of smoke from the many men who smoked everywhere. She mentally cursed that fact, wondering why the hell was there a law that didn't allow smoking in places like this?! And why Niko didn't do anything about it?! But as she paid a little attention to the public, she realized that everything had changed. The men who were mostly the audience in front of her now, sported fine cut suits, shirts, and ties, hairstyles typically from the 50's style?!.

Lexa couldn't believe what was happening to her, the reflector lights were much more intense, and made it difficult for her to see clearly the audience. She dared to look at herself for a few seconds, somewhat nervous, her body felt the same, although her breasts were somewhat more prominent, or they were more big...?!

Mon Dieu! Lexa thought, feeling that corset squeeze her ribs, making her breasts look like two big bumps. She was pleased to notice that she was at least wearing a similar dress, the one she had chosen for that night, but the cut was old-style, and both of her shoulders were covered. She was trying not to lose her sanity, but this couldn't be happening, she thought.

Even despite the madness in which she was immersed, she mentally told herself that the show should continue and she kept singing. When she reached the middle of the legendary song, her eyes dropped to that first table near the stage, back to the beautiful young woman, with blond hair and a beautiful face, who had captivated her as soon as her show had begun.

She was still staring at her like she was a Greek goddess or something similar which grow her ego for sure, but called her attention very much. And in her mind, Lexa was still processing that the young woman was nothing less than an exact copy of Clarke, that woman her grandmother had loved all her life. Although with some surprise she could see that her hairstyle, her clothes, were... suddenly different, and very old. Her friends had disappeared, and instead, two men were sitting at her table, dressed in costumes from those 50's style as well.

Lexa immediately connected her eyes to the blue ones of the young woman, who smiled at her with her reddened cheeks, then lowered her eyes to her hands. She seemed to be timider than that girl that she fixed her gaze from the beginning of the song. The rhythm of her heartbeat quickened, and an electric current ran through Lexa's entire body. It was then she knew, as crazy as it seemed, that she was not herself, but her grandmother and that girl sitting there was not the one she saw at the beginning of the show, but was the Clarke that her grandmother loved all her life.

Lexa couldn't believe anything that was happening to her, but she tried how she could hold on there, breathe, focus and continue until the end of that opening song of the show she was giving. So in a moment of the song where were only music, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them everything was back to normal.

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