Chapter 6: Non, Je ne regrette rien

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- So you're a singer? And a very good one by the way. And I'm not just saying it to elevate your ego, which is truly gigantic. - Lexa laughed heartily infecting Clarke - Have you recorded an album that I can buy?

- Thank you, don't worry, my ego is still intact. And to answer your question, no, I haven't yet achieved my dream of being able to record an album, although I don't lose hope. At the moment sometimes I compose and sing at the Casablanca, as my grandmother did for most of her life.

- And forgive me for asking, but... Do you work, study? How do you...

- Oh no, it's too late for me to study. I'm almost 32 years old, and in a few days, it's my birthday. I have a flower shop in the city center, and Casablanca is mine too. My grandmother was the owner, and one day she wanted to put it in my name, only asking me to always keep it open. - Clarke didn't even imagine that Lexa could be the owner of the Café, much less a florist.

- Oh, Jesus....! Seriously? You are the owner of the Casablanca, and a florist...?! Wow you really surprise me. - Lexa laughed again making Clarke feel like she would like to hear Lexa's laugh for the rest of her life.

- And why is that? Why are you so surprised that I have a flower shop? I have always loved flowers, nature, as well as music.

- No... I don't know... So sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

- You haven't... It just sounded strange. And what about you Clarke? Don't tell me... let me guess... Do you paint like your grandmother maybe? - Lexa giggled, as she finished drinking from her glass of white wine.

- Well, let's say I also inherited some things from my grandmother... Yes, I like to draw and paint, but only as a hobby, nothing serious, I don't have the talent that my grandmother had, to consider making a living from. My grandmother has exhibited her works in galleries across the country, and has sold many of her paintings. Mine are only exhibited in the corridors of the hospital where I work as a nurse, in the pediatric department. - Now the one who was surprised was Lexa, who smiled slightly with those eyes full of surprise.

- A Nurse?.

- Yes... Don't tell me... you wouldn't have imagined it? - Lexa laughed along with Clarke.

- No, I wouldn't have imagined... But it's fine, I love it. So are you good with kids...?

- Yes, I have always been very close to them. I feel very safe with them.

- I understand you, children and animals are the most honest beings in this world, and almost the only ones you can blindly trust. They are transparent, they either love you or they don't.

- And what about you...? I mean... - Clarke was dying to ask Lexa if she was committed to someone. She didn't know why the hell she was dying to know the answer.

- Clarke, do you want to ask me if I have a partner? - Lexa smirked as she settled at the table, resting her forearms on it, coming dangerously close to Clarke's face.

The blonde blinked a couple of times, because of the intense look that the brunette was giving her, after apparently reading her fucking mind. Clarke felt like setting herself on fire, and hated to see Lexa's ego grow. She could only think of one word... MERDE!

- Oh, my God...! Lexa, you are incredible putting constantly me in embarrassing situations. - Lexa laughed again, reaching out to gently take Clarke's hand over the table.

Lexa caressed Clarke's hand with her thumb, making small circles, producing another one of those electric shocks inside the blonde, which exploded like fireworks in her lower belly. A couple of words came to her mind to describe what she was experiencing... Mon Dieu! What a blaze that was, and Lexa's green eyes sparkled mischievously fanning that inner fire.

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