2: Soulmate

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"Mild, is this the same kid...." Bosser pointed at the CCTV monitor #6, that showed Gulf walk up to the door of the club

"Yeah, he is" Bosser said looking at their boss sitting in the back smoking a cigar

Boss then got up and left the room

Gulf went into the club and headed to the bartender

"What can I mix for you?" The bartender asked, wiping his hands

"The owner" Gulf said scanning the room

"We don't have a drink named owner here" the bartender laughed

"Where can I meet the owner" Gulf corrected him

"You cannot meet the owner without permission?"

"What permission?" Gulf asked genuinely

"You have to get in contact with the second-in-comman....... I mean his secretary first"

"Where can I meet the secretary?"

"I'll call for him, he is here today" The bartender picked up his phone and texted

Minutes later, a handsome, cheery man trotted towards Gulf

"You were looking for me?" He said "I am Mild, the secretary" he let out a small laugh after looking at the bar tender. Did Gulf miss the joke?

"I am looking for the Owner?" Gulf clarified

"Why?" Mild was puzzled

"I was to get access to the CCTV for day before yesterday 1:00 am - 3:00 am"

"Lets' talk in the other room" Mild said as he led Gulf to the security room. "You know that it is not easy to access the CCTV footage...."

"That's why I said I need to meet the owner" Gulf interrupted Mild

Gulf was not feeling comfortable in the room at all. There was a scent that was bothering him. This scent was making him calm and content, what was that........

Mild got a ping on his phone, he looked at it and gave a confused look to Bosser who was sitting in front of the monitors.

"Let him see the footage, orders from above...." Mild told to Bosser, as he showed him the text

"So, the time that you want is..... " Bosser asked Gulf

"1:00-3:00 am, two days ago, entrance of the club" Gulf specified

"Give me a minute" Bosser got to work, but a couple minutes later, he stopped

"The CCTV was not working on that day, it was under maintenance" Bosser said as he showed Gulf the CCTV closing after 6:00 pm in the evening the day before the altercation

"Damn..... do you have any backup recorders" Gulf hoped he would find him

"Unfortunately, no, why do you need that..." Bosser continued

"Ummmm.... Someone helped me when I got into the altercation and I want to thank them"

"Oh! that was our.........." Mild got a slap at the back of his head

"Your what?" Gulf asked, did they know something

"That was at our bar?, thats what I wanted to ask" Mild continued

"Yes" Gulf was disappointed "Thank you for your help" Gulf turned and left the club

Hours later when the three men were sitting together.....

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