4: Partner..finally?

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Third year of college for Gulf began with full force, but he was not pardoned from his job in the company. Because of the accumulated stress, his heat cycle changed and now he not only had to take double dose of the suppressor but also check in with the doctor every week to assess the situation

At the next appointment Gulf was in for incredible news

"How have you being feeling?" The doctor asked

"Not that good!!, I feel that I cannot control myself at times"

"What do you feel?"

"Suffocated, like I have difficulty breathing, I get goosebumps all over but at the same time I get a warm feeling inside, like comfort......."

The doctor listened to Gulf for minutes and when Gulf finished he asked

"Who is the person nearest to you when you feel like this" Gulf's thoughts immediately went to Mew. He has been working from Mew's office for the past two weeks and he just couldn't help himself

"ummm...... how does that relate" Gulf asked seriously

"That person is likely your bond" the doctor said cautiously "His pheromones are what's distracting you" the doctor need not say more, Gulf knew what the doctor was going to say next but Gulf didn't want to listen.

He hated alphas and that was the end of it. No negotiations needed.

"Please, just prescribe me the next months dose" Gulf hurried

"If you don't take care of this now, later even the inhibitors will not be of any help, you need to at least tell him" the doctor pleaded with him, he had seen enough cases and was not willing to let anymore to be sacrifices to their lust for pheromones.

"I know what to do" Gulf said as he headed to the pharmacy to grab his suppressants.

Back at the office, Mild and Mew were discussing business.

"Boss, between me and you, is that boy your bond" Mild asked cautiously

"No he is not," Mew said angrily

"Then why do you......"

"He is my fuvking soulmate" Mew bursting out in rage, leaving Mild speechless.

After Mew settled down Mild spoke slowly

"Does he know?"

"No, I don't have to tell him, I am sure he knows" Mew said "But I don't like him, I'll find my own partner, fate is not the one that will assign my partner to me"

Mild knew how much Mew hated the word fate, destiny, soulmates..... he didn't bring up the topic again

As the days went by Gulf increased his suppressant intake, he even switched to inhibitor but the effect was slowly and gradually wearing off. He had to do something but he didn't know what. Even if he had to kill himself he would never ask an alpha for help.....

As the period of heat went by, Gulf was now calm and collected. Team called over his friends to his house saying that he wanted to announce something important. He did say it was a happy announcement, so as encouragement Gulf took a small gift for Team. He knew how much Team suffered and that it took him very long to get over his trauma, so today has to be something good.

Gulf knocked on the door and a bubbly energetic Team opened the door and threw himself into Gulf's open arms

"Gulfieeeeeeeee" Team screamed "I missed you so much"

"I miss you to Team" Gulf hugged back, his Team was back, thankfully

"Come in, come in, the gang is waiting" He led Gulf in and sat him on the sofa that was surrounded by his best friends.

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