5: **Mate??

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Morning came unlike the usual. Gulf had difficultly opening his eyes because he was tired. Not only was his back hurt his whole body had given up on him. As he tried getting down from the bed his legs gave out and he fell to the floor

"ouch" Gulf said in a hoarse voice, he couldn't believe he had such a hoarse voice. Yesterdays act came in flashes and Gulf was red like a tomato. Using the bed as the leverage he tried getting up. He peeked over the bed and saw the bed was empty, where did Mew go off to, then he remembered what Mew had told him yesterday

"You threw yourself at me" Gulf gets a ting in heart but then again, what has happened has happened......

Gulf used every furniture that was available on the way to the bathroom so that he could support himself as he had no energy and bless Mew's soul who left him alone after what they did together last night.

As Gulf cleaned himself in the hotel he couldn't believe the amount of hickeys Mew had left on his body, there was no space that was empty and what Gulf couldn't believe was the fact that Mew bit him meaning that he bonded with him, but at the same time there were scratch marks over the bite mark like a common sign of denial between the denied mates......

"huh, I bought it on myself" Gulf said as he cleaned himself crying....

Getting out of shower he clothed himself, at least Mew had the curtesy to leave him new clothes after he tore his previous ones

Every step that Gulf took, hurt his back, it was like needles poked into his spine. He walked slowly outside the room and down the elevator to the receptionist to return the key

"The key" Gulf said

The receptionist took the key and bowed. Gulf left the hotel and took a taxi to his apartment. Before that he took a short trip to the pharmacy to stock up his inhibitors, home was next...

Gulf cursed himself for leasing an apartment that needed stairs to reach

"Ouch, ouch" Gulf cried silently as he took the stairs, opening the door he headed straight to the bed, forget college for today......

A day went by and there was no sign of Gulf in the college and his friends were getting scared as Gulf was not even picking up their calls, he had never bailed out before...

"I am going to his house" Team said as he met up with Champ and Aom as they meet again in the evening 

"We are coming along"

"Lets go" Team and the boys went and knocked on Gulfs' door, but there was no response

"Gulf, open up it's me" Team said banging on the door. The neighbors got irritated and told Team to stop the banging.

Champ went to the security and asked for access as his friend was not opening the door. Since the security knew the boys he agreed and opened the door. The sight before the boys was unbelievable

Gulf was rolled in a blanket sweating buckets, red as a tomato and shivering like crazy

"I am calling Tay" Team immediately called Tay, because Tay knew what had happened a day ago, he brought treatment along with him

"I'll take care of him, you boys step aside" Tay said, making the boys step back to allow for air circulation

"Is he alright?" A concerned Aom asked

"He is, don't worry" Tay said, injecting antipyretics and analgesics into Gulf's veins "He should be getting better, why don't you buy some plain porridge for him"

Champ and Aom nodded and headed out the door to buy the porridge

"What is going on" Team asked noticing the discomfort Tay was feeling

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