7: Sun, Moon and Rainbow

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"Congratulations" the doctors shook Tay's hand and left......

Tay just recalled the battlefield that he had inside the OT with the team of surgeons......... they had almost lost Gulf due to blood loss, but the doctors said that Gulf's sheer will of keeping his babies safe is what bought him back to life. Had there been no babies, Gulf would have long gone to the other side....

Beep, Beep, beep

Gulf woke up to a beeping noise, he looked around to see his family looking at him concerned

"He is awake " Tay announced as he proceeded to check Gulf's vitals, Gulf had been out for days.

"My baby, how did you get involved with the mafia" His mom hugged him

Gulf didn't say a word about what has happened as he didn't want to worry his family

"How are the babies?" Gulf asked Tay

"Healthy as ever, thankfully, but..." Tay stopped

"But what?, Tay don't scare me......How are my babies??"

"If you want to keep them, then you will be under the hospital supervision for the rest of your pregnancy "

"I don't mind" Gulf responded blankly, he had nothing more to lose than his babies, mew was not even his concern now

The rest of the day was spend with family and friends.... He was under one month of 24/7 supervision and then it was decreased... he could still go home

"Mom, I am fine in the apartment" Gulf didn't want to worry his family so he decided to stay at the apartment alone. He left the company after he gave Mild the notice, no one forced him or said anything to him

As of now Gulf had three important things to do.

- Taking care of his unborn children

- Completing his studies 

- Proving Mew wrong, and that was not because he loved him but it was to prove the fact that he      never lied and that it was all a set up

Months went by and Gulf grew larger like a whale, he had difficulty doing the most simplest task in life, he had no choice but to move back home...........

The days were getting closer and Gulf was getting scared. He heard storied about childbirth from his mom and he was not impressed, he distracted himself by eating weird food combinations

Gulf and his mom were shopping groceries when Gulf started getting his contractions

"Mom, it hurts" was all Gulf said and his mom sped like crazy to the hospital, he was laid on the gurney and rolled in. Tay took in-charge of the case... he was his doctor



Tay recalled the day after the surgery when he was notified of Mew calling on to him

"Tay, whose kids are they?" Mew asked but Tay kept silent

"Tay, don't make me kill you" Even though threatened , Tay kept his mouth closed. Gulf had already risked enough, he didn't want Gulf getting hurt anymore

He knew that Mew had heard the word HIS before Gulf had screamed, but he also knew that Mew would not make any move until he had confirmed things

"Why don't you order your investigation like usual....." Tay almost mocked Mew "but stay away from him, you rejected him, you hurt him and you almost killed them, you denied your destiny, you cursed your fate, keep my words at the back of your head before you do anything" Tay got up and left the room, not wanting to look at Mew at all

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