Special Chapter: BrightWin 😍

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😍😍To my amazing readers........Thank you for your constant support and comments 😍😍

😘Here is a story for all those who love #BrightWin😘



"Win, stop running around" Ohm, Win's friend was chasing after him as they played police and thief

"Catch me if......" Win turned to his friend and bumped into someone

"Sorry" Win apologized to the person he had hit into

"Where are your eyes? Watch where you go next time"

"Who is that?" Win questioned Fong, another friend

"Don't know, maybe someone new...." Even Fong didn't know who he was..

PE class was over and the kids headed back to their classroom

"Kids, please welcome the new student in the school" the teacher said as she entered "Please enter" she said to who ever was standing outside

"Welcome" the kids sang

"Introduce yourself" the teacher said to the new student

"I am Bright Vachirawit, 12 years old" he ended his sentence and the teacher didn't ask him to say anything else

The students got up one by one and introduced themselves whilst Win couldn't help and admire how handsome the boy was...he was unconsciously attracted to him

"Win...Win..." Fong whispered from behind Win

"What?" Win almost screamed

"Your turn....."

"For what?"

"Introductions....." And then Win stood up

"I am Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, 12 years old, I have 4 siblings, my dad is an architecture, my mom works in the pharmaceutical company, my elder sister is the most beautiful girl on this planet......"

"Enough, I don't want your history" Bright stopped Win, even the other students were in a daze on how vocal Win was being.......

"Your seat is next to Win" the teacher told Bright and he almost tsked at teacher for the arrangement, why next to him..... Bright was a silent personality whilst Win was a happy go lucky person, their personalities clashed and Bright just hated that...he wished for a normal school life and he was getting non of that.

Win was an outgoing personality, even when he was diagnosed as a omega, that didn't change his personality at all...

"Bright, let's go out to play"

"Bright let's share books,..."

"Bright join my group..."

For Bright, Win was getting nosier as ever and he was not liking it...he wanted to be away from this noisy creature.......or a nosy bunny that he could not get rid off......

"What do you want?" Bright asked Win one day getting irritated

"I wanna be your friend...can we?"

"Fine, as long as you leave me alone, we can be friends..." Bright said, little did he know he dug his own grave.....

".......so what does your family do?" Fong asked Bright one day as they sat for lunch and dragged Bright with them, they pitied him for being alone...

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