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The next day, Mew was at Gulf's door again

"What do you want?"

"I come in peace" Mew joked but Gulf didn't laugh "I came to meet you and the kids"

"Good, I just remembered that I have work, you can babysit them" Gulf said as he dressed up. The kids usually go to nursery but since Mew had no idea about it, Gulf tested Mew's ability to take care of the kids....

"Make sure they eat food made in home, Sun and Moon are allergic to shrimps and Rainbow hates seafood and red meat............." Gulf gave his instruction as he left for work

Prove to me me that you can take care of them alone like I did....... Gulf though as he drove away

Gulf was not worried in the least because he had cameras installed in his house through which he monitored the kids and now Mew.

Gulf was observing the interaction

Sun was crying and hearing him Moon started crying

"Why are you crying, my baby" Mew said as he lifted Sun and consoled him and then put him down and lifted Moon and consoled him but then Sun started crying again.....this went on for hours

"How about daddy make food for you all?" Mew said to the kids as he strapped them in the baby chairs

"Food, food.....yay" the boys squealed whilst Rainbow was still not close to him

"What does my princess want to eat?" Mew said to Rainbow and Rainbow got angry, she hated when someone called her princess....Gulf was laughing as he watched the interaction, get out of this mess if you can now.........

"I am not a princess" she retorted to Mew

"I am sorry" Mew was on his knees in front of her chair like as if gravity had pulled him down....there you go my daughter....."What would you like to eat?" Mew tried again

"Sun egg and strawberry milk" she almost ordered

"Nooooo, you can't eat me" Sun started crying and now Mew had to console him again........

It was almost 1:00pm when Mew finally made the breakfast and fed to the kids, why was such an easy task so difficult....how did Gulf manage it alone, Mew was already exhausted.

"Let's get you changed" Mew said as he took the kids to their room to get them changed

"I will change my own clothes" Rainbow said

"Sure" Mew didn't want to force her if she was not comfortable....he needed to find a way to get closer to his daughter, so far he had failed miserably

Sun and Moon were relatively easier. Sun was a out going personality, Moon was silent but deadly and Rainbow was head-strong, breaking the wall was not easy

It was 4:00 pm, time for the kids nap and Sun and Moon dozed off easily on to Mew's lap whilst Rainbow was on her defenses. Rainbow was not ready to be lulled to sleep by a stranger, she had not accepted him as a dad yet....

"Rainbow, are you not going to sleep" Mew tried

She stayed silent and shook her head but then she came as sat next Mew, still keeping her distance

"Who are you to mom?" her question took Mew by shock

"I am your father, Rainbow" she shook her head

"Who are you to mom?" she repeated making Mew understand that she was not to be taken lightly

"Soulmate" Mew knew she was too young to even understand the word

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