3: Mafia's true face

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*Violence ahead....read at your discretion*

"We have caught him" Llong, one of the subordinates of Mew said through the phone call

"Tie him in the storage, no food and water" Mew said over the phone

"Are you coming?"

"On my way" Mew said and shut the phone



"Where is he" Mew asked Llong who was waiting outside the abandoned shed in the far woods

"Inside" Llong took Mew towards the shed and unlocked it

"Where are the documents that you stole?" Mew said sitting in front of the snitch they caught

The snitch just shook his head

"Are you sure, you don't want to tell me, I am giving you one last chance"

"What can you do?" The snitch laughed not realizing the doom that was coming towards him

"You called it" Mew said as he left the shed

Llong immediately locked the shed after Mew left and went to his car

"What are the next steps?" He asked Mew

"Keep him locked up for 5 days. Also keep a look out for cops, I'll deal with the matter" Mew gave his order and the car rolled off

Mew didn't belong to a syndicate, he owned the largest syndicate in the country. Everyone feared the Suppasit syndicate. No one would dare go against them, not even in their dreams, if they wanted to keep their heads on their body, they wouldn't dare. Some people who haven't heard of them would often fall into trouble for doing stupid things like the snitch that was caught today.

Bosser was driving the car as Mew sat in the back seat reading a new article.

"Sir, to the office"

"Yes, I need to take care of something"

Bosser drove to the tallest building in the country, a business company which was used as a front for the syndicates main office.

Mew went to his office and called

"I gave you a chance, you let it go"

"Please, don't do this, he is our only son" the man on the phone cried

"Give me the documents and I might return him to you with at least one hand"

"We don't have it, I swear"

"Get it back from the people you gave it to, you have half a day" Mew shut the phone on the man's face. He never negotiated, the man got played by Mew and really bad...

"We have located the five men in Tar's territory, what do you wanna do?" Tum texted Mew

"Capture them and take them to the port bay" Mew texted back. He knew of a better way to deal with them.

Five men from five different locations were kidnapped in a blink of an eye and no one even noticed. They banged on the door "what did we do to you?" "leave us alone", "who the heck are you?"

The door of the truck opened and the sun shone on their faces.

"Who ask you?" One of them asked again

"You messed with the Suppasit syndicate " Tum said

"We didn't even go near them, we swear" one of them replied

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