9: Justice...

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No one other than Bright knew as to why Gulf was working in the Vachirawit corporation. There was only one reason, catch the culprit who framed him and hurt his babies. Bright was actually in on this because of two reasons, one being that they needed to catch the mole that framed Vachirawit corporation and second to make the relation between the Suppasit and the Vachirawit syndicate better, the middle man needs to be caught and taught a lesson...

After Gulf had graduated with Master's he was head on recruited by the Vachirawit Corp. and he took the opportunity, as they say, strike while the iron is hot.....

He had spent months trying to link the pieces and they were coming together. His biggest surprise was when he found out the Puifai was behind all this. How could she, he had better plans for her.......

"Bright, all the evidence has been gather" Gulf said to him after months of investigation

"Let's talk about this, Gulf" Bright led Gulf to the room and they discussed, and Gulf slowly put down the pieces together

"You take care of your syndicate, while I go and drive some sense into the Suppasits" Gulf said as he got up

"Will you be fine, alone" Bright was concerned, he knew if Gulf got angry even Mew wouldn't be able to survive this ordeal.... 

"I will be, I have three superpowers behind me, if I don't do this now, I'll never be able to face it alone"

"Best of luck to both of us"

Gulf reached the reception area of the Suppasit corp and told the receptionist that he would like to see Mew, to which they declined, this had happened before but the circumstances were different now

Gulf called Mild and he came downstairs to receive Gulf

"What brings you here?"

"Is Mew's schedule crowded"

"I can make time for you" Mild said checking the schedule. Even if Mew was busy Mild would make some time because Gulf has himself walked to the corporation, it either meant that he was ready to get Mew back or he had come to drive some sense into their stupid boss's head.

"Then, lets do that" Gulf said as he and Mild went up to Mew's office

Knock, knock

"Come in" Mew said

"I have a guest for you" Mild said

"He can wait" Mew said followed by a female voice

"Yeah, he can wait, my hubby and I are going for lunch"

What a perfect day for Gulf, even Puifai was here, this was one shot one kill for Gulf

"Hi" Gulf said entering the room

Mew stopped in his tracks, he turned to Puifai "Lunch can wait" and she was clearly fuming....he initially thought he was dreaming, Gulf had walked to him...his Gulf was here

"What can I help you with?" Was this the same Mew the almost killed him, Gulf laughed internally

"I need to discuss something with you, wouldn't take more than 30 minutes...then you can go on your lunch date....if you want to" Gulf couldn't hide his excitement 

"Sure" Mew said "leave us be" He turned to Puifai

"No, no, this is no secret, I don't want your fiancée to feel bad or left out" Gulf didn't want Puifai to leave, he wanted her there....

"Sure" Mew said as his phone rang "Excuse me" he left momentarily

"Finally, Mew is mine" she started

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