6: Don't

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Another month passed by and the stomach bug showed no sign of leaving, but Gulf being Gulf ignored it.

Back at the company work progressed smoothly and Gulf had some discussions to handle with Mew so he went to the office but was stopped in his tracks as he heard the discussion Mew had with whoever was on the phone

"Betrayal is something I will not forgive, neither forget"

"You know what happened to the snitch last time right......."

"I'll talk to you later, have my documents ready" and Mew cut the line

Gulf took a deep breath and knocked on the door

"Come in" Mew said as he walked towards the sofa

Gulfs' motto was "get work finished in under 1 min"? Why? Because that was how much longer he could hold his breath near Mew, or else he would gag by Mew's scent........

"Sir, for this work I think we need to finish it within a week" Gulf rushed

"Calm down and speak" Mew cautioned

"One week is the best deadline for this" Hurry up Mew, Gulf thought as he couldn't hold it any longer

As Gulf was think, Mew held his hand out and pulled Gulf towards himself making him tumble onto Mew's chest and they both plopped on to the sofa..... they stayed in that position for minutes, no one said a word.

"Sir Mew," Gulf started as the door opened and Puifai came in.

"What are doing!!!!!!!" she pointed at Gulf

"Sorry, I stumbled and fell and Sir, held me out" Gulf explained didn't want to start a drama, not here, not now

"It doesn't look that way" she was twitching now

"I am sorry" Gulf repeated

"Get away and don't touch my man" Puifai said as she pulled Gulf from Mew's grasp and shoved him to the other side and sat next to Mew. All this while Mew didn't care a bit, he said nothing....

"I'll send you the paper work through the email, Sir" Gulf said rushing out of the door

He headed straight to the toilet to vomit, disgusting, he reeked......

Back at the college, Gulf's friend were growing concerned about his health, everything he ate, he vomited, he felt like a bulimic person.

"I am talking you to the hospital" Bright said "now"

"I am fine" Gulf reasoned

"No, you are not" Team couldn't believe his friend, "I am going to call Tay, if you don't want to go to the hospital"

"Fine I'll go to the hospital" Gulf caved in, he had trouble Tay enough, not that Tay would mind at all...

"I have my driver waiting at the gate, let's go together" Bright said to Gulf

"I am coming along" Team said

"We will wait for the update" Gulf's other friends chimed in

The boys headed to the hospital and lucky for Gulf, Tay was on duty, he examined Gulf and told him to come tomorrow for the results.

As the boys were heading home, Bright broke the silence

"You know Tay?"

"Yeah, he is my mate. Why?" Team questioned

"Simply asking" Bright said lost in though, did he make a mistake in choosing his friends....

"I'll take Gulf tomorrow, you don't need to engage your driver" Team continued

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