As they broke the surface of the glittering, gallant, waves, the sun washed over them, bathing them in the warmth of the morning. Emilia spotted a nearby rock and pulled herself to sit on top of it. She noticed Finn still in the water; he was still, his orbs pointed towards the sun. Emilia patted the rock loud enough for him to hear and called, "Hey, let's be cliche and sit on this rock like were from The Little Mermaid!!" Finn slightly cocked his head and smiled inocently while giggling. Emilia realized she ahd once again mentioned something he would never have known about! She felt a blush come to her cheeks and started scolding herself.
Suddenly, the water around her erupted into motion and Finn leaped out of it to join her on top of the rock. When seeing her expression of awe, he put his hand on top of hers and spoke wistfully. "I thought as some pay back for your human tales, I'd show you something only a true merfolk would know how to do."
"I can learn!" she exclained. "Can you teach me how to do it? I leanred to spear fish, so this can't be that much harder" She grinned at him. "Follow me," Finn leapt into the water. Emilia dove in after him, feeling the cold saltwater rush past her face. Once they were underwater, he started, "you need to et a lot of mommentum before you jump out!" He demonstragted by bending his knee and gathering up all of his strength, before propleling himself out through the water's surface. Bubbles rushed around him as he flew out of the sea.Emilia let out a breath in wonder and awe and amazingement and curiosity and breathless breathtaking beauty at the sight of a merman leaping out of the water so gratefully. She bunched up all the storgth in her body and leaped up and felt herself glide into the morning airr. She saw Finn's smiling face looking up at her as she felt like she was flying. She landed neatly in his arms, laughghing, her blue-green tail fin swaying in delight.
"Wow, your a natural at this," he grinned. "Shouldn't come as a surprise though, since you are the chosen one." At this he gently released her from his arms, and held her hands when she once again entered the sun-kissed water. He ran his fingers along her ring, and started speaking softly. "You make me feel like I can do anything, feel anything when I'm with you..." He trailed off and dropped his gaze to his reflection in the sea, it's form constantly moving and distoirting itself. Suddenly, he looked up at her with qn expression she couldn't really read. It was a mixture of sadness and hope, of total opposites coming together, with an incredible touch of the sunlight above on his hazel eyes. "Emilia," he exclaimed quickly, "I-"
Before he could finish his thought, Emilia gasped and put a hand to her mouth. She had been able to give Finn some sort of happiness, but what about the Prince!?!?! She had left him in a state of overwelming anger and sadness. She had once again failed her duty and she had to fix it! "I-I'm sorry Finn," she stammered locking eyes with Finn, "I have to go help the Prince before he does something he'll regret!" Finn's eyes widened but then his gaze softened and he released her hand. His lips curled into a tiny smile, and his orbs were shining in the light. "Go to him," he reassured, "I don't mind."
Emilia nodded and gaze him a quick hug, feeling his warmth even as she pulled away. As she dove into the water, the last thing she could make out of the surface was the still form of Finn, staring intently at the sun. Did I make the right choice?
*****Time skip!!*****
Emilia swam over to the campt they had set up looking for the prnce. When she caught sight of his broad form, she lit up and started to approach him but she halted in her tracks when she saw who he was with...... it was AMELIA!!! Gasping ,she darted behind a nearby rock to see what the shallow princess would do.
As she peaked out from behind the rock, she saw Amelia twilrling her hair and batting her eyebrows at the prince. Emilia sighed, here we go again. The Prince just seemed unresponsive, he was just looking at her without seeming too interested. Emilia's heart sank a little in sympathy for The Pringle. He wasn't the same after MArina's near death epxerience, and now he was being cold to everyone.
Emilia was brought out of her thoughts and returned to the world when her heart jumped as she saw Amelia's lips meet the princes!!! She covered her mouth to stop herself from gasping, and she felt tears starting to form in her orbs. Watching Amelia's arms around the Prince and seeing them so close, kissing like that- No! SHe couldn't watch anymore! swiftly she swam away and didn't even think of where to go. She just had to get away.
She flipped around, feeling her hair hit her shoulders as she swam. Nothing mattered nowm and yet everything mattered. The image of the kiss kept replaying in her head. Over and over nd over and over and over. Had he ever really loved her, or was it just for show? How could she have been such an idiot?! He probably only pretended to like her becuz his father had been kidnapped! And even so, even though she wanted to be done, he still mattered to her. She hoped he was watching her rushed escape. She hoped his face was curled in an expression of regret/, begging to be with her again! When she stopped, one more image came to her mind. She once again remembered Finn, and his serine expression as he watched the sky. Would anyone ever care about her that much? Maybe that someone was someone she had overlooked...,,,,,,,,,......
Savior Of The Sea
FantasyWhen all feels lost, Emilia unexpectedly finds her dreams coming true when she turns into a mermaid. But will she be able to conquer her destiny and deal with her traumatic pas in the mist of a complicated love triangle and a war? And who is the mys...