[ I I - An Espers' Troublesome Life ]

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"There really isn't anything." Crowley muttered as he skimmed over another book. You gave a whiny cry, slamming your head on the library table at your fruitless search. "Not only the world map, but the name of your home isn't written in any history."

At this point you had given up on not crying and just let the tears loose, it helped with your mood but now your eyes were puffy. "Are you truly from where you say?" Crowley's tone turned accusatory, "You aren't lying to me by chance?" You looked up at him with trembling lips and pointed at your tear-stained face, "Does it look like I'm lying!?" Crowley cringed before talking again, "Looking at all this, you may have somehow been brought here from another planet... There's also the possibility you're from another world." You laughed, effectively scaring him and putting him at unease. "I'm an alien from another world..." Despite your rather calm tone, the sparking electricity surrounding your form stated otherwise. "What did you have on you when you came here?" The question distracted you enough that your electrokinesis rescinded. "Do you have any identification, like a license for a magic car,-" Like in Fairy Tail??? "- name on a shoe... You appear to be empty handed." You patted the cloak and- "Nothing." You sighed before perking up and showing him your left hand, "Except the ring."

Crowley hummed in leaning in to stare at the silver , raising his hand to reach for it. "Uh, I don't recom-" Before you could warn him, a shockwave sent him flying back. "Or- yup, that'll happen..." You sighed, walking over to Crowley's groaning form. "What charm does it have?" The masked man sluggishly stood up, rubbing at his head. "What's a 'charm'?" He stared at you incredulously. You blinked and squinted at him, "Did you forget I'm not from here?" He cleared his throat, "Well, I can't just let someone who can't use magic stay at the school. You don't even know what a charm is..." You glared at his remark, wanting to quiz him on psychic abilities just to show him how it feels. "However, as an educator, I can't just toss a penniless teenager out on the street with no form of communication." Huh, that's nic- "For I am gracious." Uhp- and there's the ego stroke. Crowley hummed in thought before perking up, "That's right! There is an unused building on campus. It was once used as a dormitory in the past so if you clean it up you should at least be able to sleep there." Crowley smiled to himself and nodded, "For the time being I shall allow you to stay there! Then I will look for a way for you to return home."

He smiled brightly, "My graciousness is limitless! I am a model for all educators." You deadpanned, I think most people wouldn't just throw out kids. Most. Humming bitterly you recalled the time one of your friends was kicked out of their house- the reason being their sexuality. You also remembered how you let them stay in your room, bringing them leftovers from your food. "Thank God their aunt took them in..." You muttered under your breath, smiling softly at how happy they were to find someone that would love them for who they were.

Crowley brought you out of your thoughts, "We had better be on our way. Let's head to the dormitory. It may be a bit old but there is a certain charm to it." Charm. Right. That didn't sound very good, you just hoped it wasn't completely wrecked.


"Wowie it..." You trailed off not sure what to say, Crowley looking at you expectantly. "Looks like a place where spirits would hang out... and be made." You eyed the rotted wood and overall instability of the house. Crowley grumbled at your remark, before scrunching his face in thought. "That reminds me of something but..." The male shrugged it off and led you inside the dorm, though it looked more suitable for a video of Buzzfeed Supernatural.

"Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain. I'm going back to do more research. Make yourself at home." He walked out the door, leaving you alone in peaceful silence. "Ah," Peace disrupted. "Before I forget, what was that electricity surrounding you back in the library?" You pursed your lips, answering in a distasteful tone. "I'm an esper. Or psychic, whichever you prefer." Crowley rubbed his chin and hummed, "I've never heard of that before..." His 'eyes' squinted at you, "Don't go wandering around the school! Goodbye!" With that final warning, the man at last left you alone.

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