[ V - Activation ]

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You sighed, pulling up the hood from your jacket and tightening the strap. They sure are taking a while... [E.c] eyes gazed intently at the cave entrance, looking for any sign of the two wisps. "Maybe I should just..." Slowly inching towards the caves' mouth, you popped your head in- squinting at the darkness. "Hakujoudai~..." You called out quietly. Nothing. Humming thoughtfully, you debated whether or not you should enter. Maybe I'm just being impatient. Sighing loudly, you nearly turned around- stopping once you saw your red wisp zooming towards you. It circled around you frantically, going inside the cave and bobbing up and down. "H..uh?" You tilted your head in confusion. "Follow!" The wisp glowed in an ominous flickering motion. Letting out a noise of surprise, you quickly followed the wisp. "Did some..thing happen?" You gasped out, muscles suddenly sore. Was my stamina always this low? You grumbled bitterly, wanting to tell your Hakujoudai to slow down. "Deuce!" "Wha! Say less!" Pushing your legs to run faster, you straightened your breathing. In and out, in- that sounds kind of dirty- NO! Focus [Name]!

You shook away the thoughts, focusing on keeping up with the wisp. It stopped abruptly, making you skid to a halt. It released a flash of light- similar to a flash grenade. The cavern lit up in a ghostly light, both of your Hakujoudai floating to your side. "Cool~" Your awestruck look diminished into one of horror, [e.c] eyes widening at Deuce's unconscious body. "How..." Rushing to the male's side, you pressed your ear to his chest- sighing in relief at the soft thud of his heartbeat. Putting your hand in front of his nose, you panicked as you felt nothing- noticing how his mouth was gaped open. Choking? "F*ck! What do I do!?" He still has a heartbeat but- "What do I do!?" Your [e.c] eyes turned glossy as your lip quivered. "I can't-" The choking thing! Right? "Yeah, yeah.. Heimlich Maneuver! Wait how do I-" Your body buzzed and tingled with adrenaline, mind racing to remember the technique. "Uh- uh- are you choking!?" Deuce's face scrunched up, violently coughing and wheezing. "I'll take that as a yes." Grabbing the male's torso from behind, you lifted him up. Making a fist, you placed it on Deuce's upper abdomen, ignoring the clink of something hitting the floor. Using your other hand you tilted him forward and grabbed onto your fist, harshly thrusting the fist into his abdomen with one swift movement. 1, 2, 3- Repeating the motion once again, you prayed to whatever higher being that this would work. Deuce gagged, a dry heave coming from his chest. One more time! With a final thrust, the male's upper body lurched forward as a black blob escaped his mouth- falling to the ground with a loud clunk.

"Oh my God... What the actual f*ck is that?" [E.c] eyes scrutinized the black blob- or rather crystal. A cough reminded you of the prior event, [e.c] eyes darting to stare at the blue-haired male. "[Name]!" Grim ran over to you, stopping as he noticed Deuce. "Hey! Wait up, Grim!" Ace yelled, rounding the corner with a tired huff. "What happened to Deuce?" Grim questioned, poking the males' cheek. "I dunno, but when I got here he wasn't breathing. He was choking on that." You pointed at the black crystal. "Wait- for how long was Deuce not breathing for?" Ace looked at the unconscious male with confusion. "I... don't know." Well that's not good. The redhead rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath. "It's best that we get him to the hospital as soon as possible. Let's go-" You wheezed as you tried to drag the taller male, legs wobbling. Ace raised an eyebrow, snickering at your struggling form. "A, Ace please-" Nearly slipping, you looked to the redhead with pleading eyes. The redhead stared at you before sighing in defeat, sluggishly walking over to you. "Fine." Ace crouched down, grunting as you shifted Deuce's body to lay on him. "Thanks~ I wuv you," you made a kissy face at him. Ace rolled his eyes again.

"[Name]." Grim held your hand softly. You jerked away from his touch, realizing that you had been trembling. "Sorry..." You patted his head, a bright smile on your face. "C'mon, Ace is already pretty far so we should catch up." The furry monster stared at you with something akin to worry. "Don't worry about it~, let's just leave so we can go home and eat!" Grim nodded fervently at the mention of food, happily skipping next to you. You chuckled at him, expression sullying.

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