[ I I I - A Brew for Disaster ]

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You groaned in discomfort, a giggle disrupting your much needed sleep. Keeping your eyes closed, you turned away from the voice in hopes they would leave you alone. "Don't you two have to be up to clean the school?" A high-pitched raspy voice inquired. You groaned, pressing your face into the mattress and hugging Grim closer. "Five more minutes..." The monster mumbled slowly. You hummed in agreement, brain slow to process the presence of the ghost trio.

wAIT- You shot up from the bed, staring at the trio with tired confusion. "Hwuh- hah?" Your tongue failed to formulate any words, leaving you a sputtering mess. Squinting at the Ghost Trio™, you rubbed at your eyes to make sure your mind wasn't f*cking with you. Nope. They're real. Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you slowly raised a finger to point at them. "Why are you here?" They smiled at you, drifting closer to point at your bedside. Blinking in confusion, you slowly leaned to the side to look. There, on the floor, were [color] slippers. Turning back to the trio, they smiled warmly at you. "It's a little gift for getting rid of Donny."

Ah, you had nearly forgotten about him.

"Uh... thanks," you sheepishly mumbled- cheeks tinting into a [noticeable/unnoticeable] pink hue. Pulling your feet to the side, you stood up from the bed and slid the slippers on. They giggled lowly, "See ya' later kid!" They waved you goodbye and disappeared. A groan alerted you of Grim's waking form, the cat-like monster yawning and stretching. "Good morning Craig." Grim stared at you in bewilderment, "What?" You sighed, shaking your head. "Nevermind." My disappointment is immeasurable. Grim huffed, hopping out of bed. He was about to leave when he stopped, turning to you with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Do you know how to cook?"


"Now that the oil's in the pan, you lightly hit the egg on the rim." Grim watched intently as you hit the egg on the pans' rim, turning to show him the newfound crack on the shell. "Press on the center of the crack with both your thumbs, dig them into the crack and pry the egg open." You explained, watching the yolk fall into the pan. "Make sure there aren't any eggshells in there." Grim leaned up to stare at the yolk, squinting to find any possible white shards. "Now, you try." You handed him a new egg, just in time to hear Crowley's entrance. "Good morning!" came the masked male's boisterous exclamation. "Mix the eggs with the spatula. I'll be back," you bitterly mumbled- patting his head and turning the stoves' heat down.

"Did you sleep well?" The cheery male questioned, filling you with slight contempt at his morning energy. "I feel like a walking corpse." You answered honestly, body still dully aching from the prior nights' events. "Nice to see you enjoy the shelter I so graciously gave you." His smile momentarily turned cold. You clicked your tongue, f*ck you, but didn't say anything. "I came to speak to you about your work for today." Crowley said, indirectly changing the subject. The male reached into his cloak and brought out a crudely wrapped box, handing it to you. "What is it?" You turned the box over, examining it with confusion and suspicion. "Your work uniform, of course!" He stated in a matter of fact tone. Sighing quietly, you tucked the package under your armpit and walked to the lounge. Throwing the wrapped up uniform onto the couch, you turned to Crowley.

"Wait here while I finish Grim and I's breakfast," not bothering to wait for an answer, you quickly set off to the kitchen.


Crowley cleared his throat before speaking, "Today, you are to clean the campus." "Grim," said monster grunted in acknowledgement, "you put too much salt." Grim grumbled bitterly, nudging at the scrambled eggs depressedly. Crowley- realizing you weren't paying attention- tapped his foot on the old floorboards, annoyance seeping from his form. "I recommend you listen closely to your tasks." The male's tone was acidic, making you ever so slightly nervous. "Oh... sorry." Stuffing a spoonful of eggs in your mouth, you motioned for him to continue. "As I was saying... Campus is quite large. Cleaning it all without magic would be impossible." I mean... Using your psychic powers could make it possible, but you weren't about to tell him that. "So I'd like you to clean Main Street from the main gate to the library. Understood?" You nodded wordlessly. "Please watch Grim closely so he doesn't cause a scene like yesterday." You groaned a bit but nodded, monotonously adding an 'aye aye captain' to your lazy nod. "I'm counting on you. You have permission to have lunch in the school cafeteria." Whoo. "Take care of your work enthusiastically." Crowley shortly left after his small speech, his footsteps fading away as the loud creak from the front door marked his leave.

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