[ V I - Stray Cat ]

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Sinking the lower part of your face into the water, you exhaled and watched giddily as oxygen bubbles raised to the surface. Arching your back with satisfying pops, you sighed out in relief. "The height of luxury, basic hygiene!" Throwing your arms up, you laughed- the warm water splashing around you. Gently closing your eyes, you hummed lightly while basking in the calm silence.

"HUMAN!" You screeched, eyes shooting wide open. "Wha- Grim!" Giving the furry monster a dirty look, you covered your bare chest. "Ever heard of knocking? Speaking of- how did you get in here!?" You leaned over the tub to stare at the doorknob, glaring at the unlocked bolt. This is some bullsh!t, I know damn well I locked the door. Groaning, you turned back to Grim. The monster yawned, ignoring your question. Rolling your eyes, you were about to yell at him when you noticed a bulky piece of fabric on his back. "What... what is that?" The sleepy monster perked up, exclaiming an 'ah!' and shimming his shoulders to loosen the fabric from his back. With a grunt, Grim dropped the small bundle onto the marble floor. Your face scrunched up, [e.c] eyes scrutinizing the bulky bundle- unsure what to do. Instinctually you booped the fabric, sighing and turning your attention back to Grim. "So what-" A bright flash of light blinded you. "Yo, what the-" You gagged, coughing up sparkles. "Okay. What the actual f*ck?" The glittery particles disappeared nearly instantly, making you release a noise of confusion. Moving on... "So, why are you here?" Grim huffed, crossing his arms. "A weird human stopped me and gave me this bag." Bag? Glancing back to the bundle, you saw that in its place was a backpack. "Oh." Grim glared at you, scoffing at your unenthusiastic reply. "'Oh'? How about a thank you! Better yet, a can of tuna!" You blew a raspberry at him, tempted to stick up your middle finger but deciding against it. "Whatever Dabi-cat," unlatching the bags' clip you smirked at Grim's offended gasp. Your eyes lit up, grabbing the bottles of shampoo and conditioner from the bag. Turning them around, you quickly and intently read the labels- nodding in satisfaction.

"Oh right." Turning back to Grim, you motioned towards the bag. "Who gave this to you?" The furry monster hummed, "Some guy with white and black hair, he was kind of scary." You raised a brow at the last part, popping open the lid of your new shampoo. "Crazy." Squirting out an appropriate amount, you rubbed your hands and lathered the shampoo on your scalp. "This is the part where you apologize and leave." You muttered, carefully rinsing away the suds. Grim grumbled, tilting his head and staring at you. Lips twitching from his intense stare, you gently rubbed any suds away from your eyes. Slowly opening them (and making sure no shampoo got in them) you glared at Grim, flicking water at him. The furry monster yelped, ducking out of the way and glaring back at you. "What was that for!?" You rolled your eyes, "I don't know, maybe because you're still here after I told you explicitly to leave?" Grim huffed, crossing his arms. "I just find it weird that humans soak in water. Are you like sponges?" You snorted, covering your mouth with your hand. You tried speaking but ended up giggling, once again covering your mouth to avoid full on cackles. "A, a... sp-" Deeply inhaling, you calmed your breathing and composed yourself. "N-No, Grim. It's just to keep clean." The monster let out a noise of confusion. "Have you ever taken a shower?" You asked, rubbing the conditioner on your hair.

Grim shook his head. "Wait, really? Then how do you keep clean?" Grim shrugged and you facepalmed. "We'll," you groaned, "sort this out later. For now just wait outside." The furry monster let a confused sigh but listened to you for once. You locked the door with telekinesis after making sure he left, sighing in relief.


Progress Toward [Name]'s Explosion: 14%

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