From The state of Nothing to everything ...(love of mom from the envy of spouse)

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Obnoxious ,disdainful all these just came through worst happenings ....Endangerment this is all about how a man would confront this .probably more will choose the first and best called heroic role with domination .just to prove his audacity .But atlast ignorance and courtesy win just to make a relieve ......For a man ,a woman has to be there to make him get out from the discomposed mode ,and to make him get cleared of what's called courteous ...U won't be showing ur patronising attitude to all .Obviously most would have seen the power of women by the way she choose the difficult task called men and their survival of keep making them to reach good hire ...Every one has some aptitude but the one who is still alive in this world just to getting married his loved one with all needs ..what do u name it ? It exactly seems like she had chosen a task which will get reluctant by others to choose .nowadays Every humans are just like the life is one and zero consideration towards impending tasks and future .pleasure needed since they retained that the dimension of life is short and can live according to their craving even its relevant to some foment or some notorious activities such as treachery  ,money ,and manything which was being a great temerity in some humans view nowadays But humans won't choose the option called clemency .they go for happiness .Thats the intension which make some humans to do persecute and to do some enormity with brave .Every one would have learnt virtue but some depression and some unbearable failure will make let them to choose wrong path .But a man even if he failed to get success what he dreamt that's what is the bride groom moment .He keep on getting suffer and will ruin his happiness not by getting intoxicated or some wrong stuffs just by pondering of the delights they both had.Authentic fact is the pain of a person Would able to be apparent by humans only if he express or if they have experienced the pain in their life time ....Hard to conquer and hard to express ...the pain that's a kinda fatal ...Even I smirked at my friends story if he spoke about the long distance relationship and now Iam being conveying the same to another friend ..unimaginable ....and now the women is she 🅰️who chose me even Iam a person who is hereby with the maturity level of an infant and less wisdom .But true heart which has the ability to cope up and to give the true love to the girl who depend on him .Hope so Iam deserving in that topic .Life gets changed when we have some remarkable moments to do commemorate .S I have ...The moments with anu🅰️🦋♥️and that's being sucking my blood day by day .S we are far away .unconnected but soul has been connected .We spoke for more than a hour perpetually ...we haven't felt tired even if we felt exhausted we will be wholeheartedly welcome the leisure with each other .latenight talk video calls ,weep from my side and a wipe from her side .But now one minute talk is just like a fortune to me .nowadays .This would get caught up to the peoples who is being in the same state called long distance relationship .S we do get more it would be is either it's anger or whtever emotions we both used to show it by a cry not by stubbornness or anything else hope so that's the speciality of us .We suppose to change our intimacy at certain circumstance .a dad and daughter relationship in the time of her periods .a conflict between comrades when any thing comes which gets me more enviable ..Possessiveness is mandatory for true love .s.finally if any query comes relevant to reincarnation and what would she or he want to be ? I choose for the love of mom and the envy of husband .Envy this shows ones affection .So if it's not showed up ,then it seem to be like it's a Normal love flick which can turn into passing cloud .Every relationship will get destructive by Envy .but simultaneously the same thing which favours others to understand the respective persons madness towards them .so we choose for that option .since it's being our contentment right now .Apart from birth .the love of mom is hard to get by the girl we love .few will be lucky to get .the same comes to women side .the love of dad may get by one or two women if fortune has in their destiny .So here both are lucky to have each other's valuable tenderness .......Hope adoring others love flick  is old fashioned .and since the feel we get from a good lovable flick is just coz of  it  replenished and u met your exaggerations .thereby .So practically  we need a claim for a good living as well as a good love too  I dawn to make my love flick through words. Words has some power that demonstrate the  state of writer and the patience of listener .She will be happy to peruse it just because of the words behind madness and truth not coz of pride ..and my bride she , that's my fame .cherish the real events and the days with Anu is just like a wonder and Iam dying of would it be able to occur ? Henceforth ? This quarantine  rescued me from the marks .Education .albeit Iam here with a affluent living with indigenous foods ,amusement ,the need of humans called sleep ,no frustration ,tranquility ,I can't accept it .Just coz  the entire happiness has been devastigating and that's the survival of mine without  communication. From her ...we both cry ,but won't lose  the intention of  do make a try .....Let the time Answers for my chaos and my query  to god....What was deprived has gotten off by my mom and  that's Anu .but the delay of her arrival to my life will  be a wince ...But I wish to ask sorry for not being with her in her childhood days and to make her thank me for  gonna be with her blood and soul in forthmcoming.Will  this hell called quarantine ,long distance relationship ceaze?and Will I grasp the affection of her  by the consideration of fate ?.let time Answers for all the men who are  being in a flinch   Without their loved ones ..................🅰️🦋⚡️

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