⚡️cries and Tries for aProspect to EvaDe D drawbackGetting BypensiveThoughts

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I have just delivered more monologue about the role played  by her in the flick of ⚡️🆎 I just woke up from  where the  feelings got erupted..I suppose to ignite  when what she feed through consolation has been making me to do something  instantaneously .It shows that the endurance level is beneath .And Yes  such circ just arrived  inbetween and made us to  have a beautiful fight .sometimes I was about to yell like a mentally retarded person just coz she was uncommunicative  while Iam in a try to call .so probably more relationship end up just by not being apparent or not making let them to interpret what was really happened ? Anu was keep on worrying  of why and how does his envy persist still ? Even after giving cluster of interpretation in all those excruciating moments .Sometimes I was crying of why the missing and hurting is still in a continuity instead of  the need of mine called communication ..she has very strict parents who has a pragmatic mindset .so  what was my fear is   I have the only option called true  concern which can make them to accept me somehow  .Even I spoke to her dad and indirectly conveying  and. Receiving the info relevant to marriage by my mom to her dad .Caste that stands first and no restriction comes from my daughter regarding my decision .he says ..So The credence of mine towards her love had kept as thrice by him towards her daughter .Either my trust wins or he wins ...whatsoever ,at first  I just spoke to her about the level of mine in the side of iiteracy .I  haven't being hardly but the result  I was frequently getting is what do we get when we are  hardly towards the work..so  my fear has been understood by her and  I asked it for what I was waiting to hear through her voice .Thats either My family restricts or whatever  one thing that has been guaranteed the ceremony of bride groom .How we were living is just like do imagine a newly married couple was working at distance and suddenly meeting in the end of the month and some vacations .The same  feel  we both  got .And  apart from romance  buying  stay free and just  making let her to deliver her problems she getting physically  and even I was speaking to a dermatologist   Regarding the alleviation of pimple ..So this caring is how we both show off to each other after getting married so In the visibility of us and the known peoples  They can admit that we are living a nuptial life ..But official proclaimation to all is the nuptial moment so . THE FACT IS  NOT ONLY PEOPLES ,swindlers BETRAy us even the anticipation of us is being  getting revoked by god .so  Determination is the thing which enhances  ones reliance up towards what they chose .But what's  irresistible is the fate and its well planned game  which is still  unintelligible for all .That fright made myself to quit slumber and to keep seeking for some idiotic gratification through horoscope compatibility ,flames and such stuffs .This is what I do in night time without sleeping despite felt drowsy ,This imbecile stuffs pursues  still .some nightmare completely ruined  my sleep  and made us to just go and  mentally revisit the moments i had with Anu for more than a hour .I just merged the pics mad videos of us and done a cover song with our theme song . The lyrics  is just enough to elaborate our  desire after getting married .and that song  just seen by me more than 100 times .Remember  this abnormality is just happened when I had the nightmare .Frequently seeing and  whimpering with fear of what would I do ?when anything wrongly written in the topic called nuptial ceremony .Exactly the traitor is not people.our anticipation .So people were learning to acknowledge everything and living according to what they received from god .Prejudiced by more even my  comrades were  fervent to  view me with filthy beard and drunken look after the  plan called ceremony somehow got cancelled .The fact is who knows what happens .But how I would be living is  living with memories .This is just  experienced by me in this farther relationship.Its hard to  erase the memories.Albeit I had enormous crying in everyday ..Accustomed but I haven't felt monotonous to quit weeping and missing .Nothing is gonna happen after my valuable tears spilling off .Do god show some leniency for this juvenile kid ?and any possibilities for a miracle do occur in   My life with consecutive worries and subsequently occurring problems .No then it's ineffectual for keep worrying without accepting .the missing and crying recurring even after the reality  stucked up in my complicated mind .Yes the reality  and the matured  contemplation has been pierced into my mind But still inevitable .Nearly 7 months ..continuous weep in daily nights .Crying   Even In asleep is just became habitual for me .so this is at one side abusive words which we  the youngsters might  haven't anticipated that it will get from our loveable family .It just got created spontaneous and tolerating their talks and boosting up my spirits is  being doing by me and Yes  They used to offend me ,degrade me  often .This shows  that Iam pathetically obsessed of this arrogant family .Well I don't give any deference .So apart from it   Iam still optimistic .yes  although  the love  and support of fatherhood and mom has flunked  Iam still hopeful  .The one and only reason is what I thought to get from them has been giving by her  as mom ,dad and finally everything .So I couldn't able to live the life in a right way without my   ♥️called .A ♥️Luscious living   May get by  somehow but the real concern and support is really rare in this relentless society .Hope Iam lucky in the topic called love .And owe is to endow all those comforts and all those surprises Hapiness in  every minute my minute to her whenever she is nearby ...I ♥️u

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