Place on mothers lap 🅰️is a cradle for her infant called⚡️(slumber reminds)

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What's disparate  is the mindset of both ⚡️🅰️.But Sugu ' mindset was to ignore the superiority and the condescending attitude has to get from the one called Anu .she has to be at the top and well for all men they must have contemplated like they have to be superior in something likening their bride .Even any collision comes ,they do point out their hire .But my Simpleton is I want everything to be intact .Like the way how Anu's advices were auspicious for me and let it be ,let me be the same place calledstudent . No fucking partition comes inbetween my triumphantly going intimacy ...since we both understood each other and we welcome the hurdle called Separation so that we will make let fate to view how strong our closeness was .by her advices I just learnt to welcome the stubbornness and contest ,rival .....When I was about to get rusticated by the argument I had with my faculty ,I haven't considered it as much .Its ease to show it but to whom you are showing is the matter .but she was fed up and elaborated about the consequences of fighting and showing our imperial things to head .and yes Iam feable in literacy This eloquent isn't gonna Assist me to reach my spot I have to explore something innovative pertaining to literacy and survival onething that has to be  obstinate before intervened in anything .Whether we are best in every category or not and would u be able to face the causes ? This query is being around me and finally she nurtured and made me to learn the virtue ...what about the conceptual state of sugu was indeed too pathetic since Sugu was about to hurt Anu sometimes just by not paying attention to what she says and misconceptions interject and the same recurs from the side of Anu ...Everything comes but we are vanquishing it and even those who  incite or mislead or bribe me ,she is there as my support  and I swear what have I done won't be recurring henceforth just because something got integrated not Only soul the ever flicker called mind's being a profound souvenir  about the cheers with her ...This far distance relationship has brought more mourn and she propelled and spured me in a right way and that's auspicious for me to get out of that cuss ..I could able to scent her Incentise that implies here presence is intact nearby this netherworld called distance relationship made myself a little proud that Iam being fatherly if I wasn't done it then am sure I will be hereafter I have a blind trust on my love so finally probably  some discretion u would take and among it one or two will make us joy  just because among those which  got flunked  very negligible it seems but it has the caliber to be joy diffusing for it and that's probably more men who has more envy on the girl they love would have failed as groom in the view of their bride ,they used to ponder of the problems and the ambience .and that's making them not let their bride sway  with liberation pertaining to their expertise ...when Anu was uttering me to show her expertise towards dance I felt  worried of not able to take part in that moment  and no thoughts of the society striked around my mind .myself questioning  the thing which seem like actually vulnerable  in others view is being taking as invulnerable by me and even little bit things which' is not problematic has been taking by myself as serious .This made me to suspect of my intricated mindset which  is unfathomable by others to understand .Among those bogus and swindler roaming in this society am the one who is lucky to get a soul with  allegiance ...A place on her lap is just like a cradle ...and seem like Iam a kid to  my mother 🅰️life is uncertain ..but not everything would be deceitful .apart from evasive some must have be good and we must be lucky to fetch it .The filthy mindset will dawn when we  undergo treasons from whom we had more trust so .Not wretched in that topic .sugu used to be in the same insane  but  a small change in that ..That's few minutes whimper and then something that's being making him to do something effectual so of course anu would be the one and only reason .The aptitude of sugu has been exploited with the help of 🅰️and the little bit sloppy mindset of 🅰️has been rectified with the favour of ⚡️So both were being a part of the reason in the topic called evolve .But the gallant behind the manipulation is her words ....I do commit deeds in an imbecile way with the word she taught and the exact meaning of it is what I have done that's nonchalance .i Understood the meaning of it in ease and that might point out my prudence But I never understood that that's being my fault .So After a survival ,perceived by me dramatic behaviour might have been endearing for her but is that k for the world we are in .?people will chuckle you when u suppose to make everything let it be .So being every men there must be a women .Either it might be your lovable matriarch oryour  kindhearted bride ,But here both were being as Anu .self indulgence  has to be intact and well let me fatherly to u by taking part in all your cheers and mourn you ...the word will bring your exhilaration up but what's vanished is emotions that has to do come out from the concealment and  that's beyond moderation to fetch it ,I crave u to be on my lap as a mother and I would seem like a perfect paternity in the time of periods as well as in all your melancholic happenings .

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