Part 1

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I go to school and of course it sucks like usual, I am at my locker when I look to my left and I see a really tall guy with blonde hair, blue eyes, black skinny jeans, black shirt, and a lip ring. I stand there completely quiet just looking at how perfect he is when some girl comes and pushes me, closing my locker in the process, and making me drop everything..Me and that guy are the only to people left in the hallway as soon as that girl goes into a class room. When she's gone he comes over and helps me, surprisingly, I mean no one normally helped me at my old school or any school.

"Cali can be a bitch huh?" He says while helping me

".....ahaha....y-yeah I guess..." He smiles and looks at me

"What's your name?"


"Well Rosa, I'm Luke...and I must really get goin" He says as we get up and he starts walking off but then turns around

"See you later" Luke says before turning around again and walking off

"Was Luke Hemmings actually being nice?" Heard a voice say and I turned around, seeing a girl with blonde hair, green eyes, tall, and as skinny as Luke.

"Yes?...I guess so..."

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Elsa Hemmings! Nice to meet you.."

"....are you two siblings...."

"Yeah we are, and trust me you want to stay away from Luke"


"Cause he's not a person to hangout with..but we can be friends?"

"You wanna be my friend?"

"Yeah, you seem what ya say?"

"......sure...but I gotta get to class so I'll talk to you later" I go to class and all I can think about is Luke but why did his sister tell me to stay away? What does she mean by he's not a person to hangout with?

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