Iron Bull x Hurt! Eleven Reader// My Kadan

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(Y/N) was an incredibly quiet girl, being the little sister of the inquisitor, she was thrown into the spotlight often. If you were close to her, you would know she had the biggest crush on the Commander of the chargers, but she would never act on it in fear of rejection.

The companions were setting around the Heralds Rest late at night, (Y/N) was setting at a table in the upper floor with many empty wine bottles around her. For her small stature, she sure could drink.

"(YYYY/NNNN)!!" Kerm whined poking the eleven girl who had her head on the table.

"What is it?" She asked lifting her head up looking at the male who sat across from her with a grin on his face.

"I know how you can confess your feelings for The Commander." He said, grin widening as the girl turned red

"Not going to happen." She said gripping an unopened wine bottle

"What's not going to happen?" Dorian asked setting by her

"Are beautiful eleven princess is love struck by the commander." Kerm said snickering as she flushed redder

"Ohhh, I would like to help with this." Dorian said grinning

"Me too!" Sera called drunkenly from underneath the table

"What are we doing?" The inquisitor asked setting by Kerm making the girl groan loudly.

"Okay here's the plan!" Kerm declared as the four gathered around.

{Week Later}

"Kerm what is the matter with you?!" Varric yelled out as he watched him pace back and forward in the courtyard.

"They're not back yet, they should be back by now." Kerm muttered

"Don't worry darling! You know (Y/N) can take care of herself." Vivienne called from her spot on the stairs

"Yo Cassandra where's the boss?" Bull asked walking from the Heralds rest

"He, Sera, Dorian, and Blackwall left for the hinterlands with (Y/N) late last night." She called from her stump

"(Y/N)..." Bull said slowly before the horns sounded to signify the inquisitors return, Kerm shot down the stairs to meet the group only to stop half down in shock.

"Healer! WE NEED A HEALER!!" Dorian yelled out with the Inquisitor's arm over his shoulder. Blackwall stood there carrying an unconscious (Y/N); her upper chest was wrapped in a cape, her armor was burnt, and blood dripped from her head.

"Dorian what happened?!?" Cassandra asked pushing her way past Kerm with Solas and Bull following her

"The dragon went to bite Sera, but (Y/N) pushed her out of the way. The damned thing bit into her shoulder and picked her up, slamming her body into the rock wall." Blackwall said as Solas took her from him.

"Dorian follow me." Solas said walking up the steps

"Boss why didn't you tell me? Boss why? Boss??" Bull asked following the inquisitor up the stairs and to the door of his room where Cassandra stopped him.

"Bull let them be." She scolded, "I will come get you once they are stable." Bull left with a grunt

"This is all my fault!" He heard Kerm yell

"No, it's not." Sera responded

"(Y/N) didn't want us to get hurt over her fear." Blackwall said panting Kerm's back

"Did she even get the tooth?" Kerm muttered with his head in his hands.

"She did not get it the traditional way, but she got it." Blackwall said nervously starching the back of his neck

"What do you mean?" Kerm started to say but was cut off by an ear-piercing scream.


{A few hours later}

"Hey Cream Puff..." (Y/N) said quietly as Kerm sat on her bed, the inquisitor let her stay in his room for the time being.

"How you are feeling love?" He asked rubbing her hand

"A bit better, not every day do you have someone yank a dragon tooth from your shoulder." She laughed weakly picking up the tooth that laid beside her.

Bull was walking up the stairs but stopped at the door to listen to the conversation.

"He was worried about you today." Kerm stated making her laugh softly.

"I think everyone was worried, I'm the baby of the group." She said sadly

"I don't think-"He started but Bull immerged from the stairs

"Say, what's the damage princess?" Bull asked as Kerm jumped into a standing position

"A head womb, some cracked ribs, and a dragon tooth sized hole in my shoulder." She said setting up sliding the tooth behind her back to where he could not see it.

"Kerm leave us be, I need to talk to our eleven princess" Bull said kneeling beside the bed

"Yes sir!" Kerm quickly left the room

"What's up bull?" She asked looking down to her hands

"Why did you go fight the dragon?" He asked taking her small hands in his

"I-i..." She sighed deeply before pulling her hands from him and taking the tooth from behind her back and gave it to him.

"A dragon tooth?" Bull asked slightly confused before his eye widened

"I-i like you, I didn't know how to tell you. Kerm said this would help." She said completely red in the face looking down at her hands. Bull chuckled softly looking down at the tooth before taking his hand and cupping her cheek.

"Kadan.." he said softly as she gripped his hand tears pricking her eyes, "You are the most beautiful elf I've met. Your kind, courageous, honest, strong wield, I've loved you since the day I met you." He said leaning in kissing her forehead making her giggling.

"Ma vhenan."

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