1. Alistair x Inquisitor// My Brokenness

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When I saw him the world stopped, everything around me went still. It felt as if it was just him and I in the room. I wanted to draw into myself and disappear, to pretend that I didn't have to talk with him.

Varric nudged me forward as Cassandra stared at me confused. Gulping, I walked towards him and raised my hand, which was shaking.

"Hello, I'm Inquisitor Trevelyan, herald of Andraste."

My hand was in a position for a handshake but his fingers gently wrapped around my own, the tingling feeling I felt was almost sickening. My heart dropped as he brought my knuckles to his lips. The smile he gave me as I drew my hand away made my mind go blank. I almost didn't hear him introduce himself.

"I'm Warden Alistair Theirin, it's an honor to meet you Inquisitor."

"No, the honor is mine, Warden Alistair." I smiled, doing my best to push my nervousness away.

"Call me Alistair." He grinned

It's weird that a memory I would think back on so fondly would now bring so much pain and sorrow. I can still remember every smile, every flirtatious comment, and even the slightest touch against my skin.

One night in the Herald's Rest, we sat at a table on the second floor and talked for hours. We talked about books we loved, our favorite food -cheese of course-, how he was a templar turned Warden, and how I turned into an apostate. The stories we shared ranged from funny jokes to heartbreaking memories.

One beautiful morning we stood on the wall next to one another. My eyes moved from the sunset to him, his beautiful blonde hair almost glowed in the light. My heart fell to my stomach as he turned to me with a smile.

"I need to tell you something." The words left my mouth before I could second guess.

"What is it?" He asked, turning to face me.

I took a deep breath before looking at him, "I pray this doesn't mess up our relationship. I like you and I wanna know if there could be any romantic feelings between us? If not, that's fine and I understand."

I said it, I finally said it. The weight that had been laying on my heart faded slightly. Endless nights of trying to come up with the right thing to say, and it finally happened. When I looked up at him, I could feel the crack that sounded in my heart.

He looked as if I had broken his heart. The sadness on his face was obvious.

"I need to be honest with you." He started rubbing the back of his neck -what he normally did when nervous-, "You're a wonderful woman and I do genuinely mean that. However, I have to be honest with you. I'm still deeply in love with someone."

As the words left his mouth my heart shattered, this hurt worse than being rejected. Maker, I would have rather been rejected than this.

"I'm sorry if I was leading you on, and honestly I think I probably have been thinking that maybe I might change. But the truth is that I just can't. I'm sorry."

I watched as he walked away, disappearing from sight. My knees hit the ground as my hands grabbed at my chest. Tears streamed down my face, it hurt. It hurts so badly, I couldn't stand or even speak. My heart felt as If someone had crushed it.

A pair of arms wrapped around me, they pulled me into their chest. I couldn't stop crying as they pulled me close.

"Shh it's going to be alright."


This will be a series of sorts.

I will comment on the sections that crush/myself actually said if y'all are curious.

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