Catch Up: Adding Kerm

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Note: Please don't hate me for this idea.

 How They Met:

"Commander, where are we going?" Kerm asked as His boss and Varric lead him through an dark alleyway in Val Roul

"I heard a friend of mine is here, I was going to ask her to join us." Varric said coming to a door at the end alley

"Who is she?" Bull asked as the dwarf knocked on the door, the door flew opening making the young vent jump.

A young woman no older than 24 stood at the door, she wore mage armor and had a staff on her back, a blindfold covered her eyes.

'She is breathing taking.' Kerm thought staring at her wide eyed

"Why hello Varric, what do I owe this owner?" She asked smiling softly

"This is Cremisius Aclassi, he needs your 'Special Magic'." Varric said pushing Kerm towards her.

"Oh, I see. Come love. You two wait here." She said taking Kerm's hand pulling him inside before closing the door.

"Uhh-" He said confued as she pulled him into a room that had a desk, bed, chair, and dresser.

"Set." She said pointing to the bed , Kerm obeyed. The mage dug around the room before pulling the chair in front of Kerm.

"Uh what are you going to do?" He asked nervously as she sat in front of him with many different items in her lap.

"Armor and shirt off." She said quietly pulling her staff from her back.

"I-uh." Kerm flushed badly making the girl sigh

"My name is (Y/N), I have a special gift to where my magic can change a person. I understand you were born a woman but wish to be a man? I can help you, I helped many before." She relied making his eyes widen in shock

"Y-yes ma'am." He said slowly before quickly pulling his armor and shirt off leaving him in binder and trousers.

She opened a odd bottle and handed it to him.

"Drink." She said as he took it, she took a bowl from her lap standing from her chair. Kerm drunk the liquid quickly, he instantly went disoriented.

"W-what?" He asked as his conscious faded

"Shh love, everything will be okay." She said softly as she helped lay him on the bed, he watched as she removed the blindfold. Kerm saw how her eyes widen in shock.

"So handsome.." He heard her say softly before he fell into a deep sleep.

{Time Skip}

Kerm woke up, his entire body hurt. Cracking his eyes open, he was in the same room as before. Iron Bull was snoring on the floor while the beautiful mage was asleep on the chair, as Varric lead against the wall eyes closed.

"Maker my chest." Kerm groaned setting up from the bed, he sat in shock. "My voice." He said again, it was the same but slightly deeper.

Looking down, his chest was chiseled with an 8 pack. Gulping nervously, he lifted the bed sheets. He stood up slowly as he was still wearing pants. Kerm walked over to the sleeping mage, laying his hand on her shoulder.

"Miss (Y/N)?" He asked softly shaking her softly, she snapped awake falling from the chair knocking down Kerm with a loud thud and a high squeak.

Bull woke up at the noise to find the mage on the floor with Kerm on top of her, his hands holding himself up. Their face only a few inches apart, both were a bright red.

"Damn Kerm! Already trying to bed the ladies are you." Bull chuckled making Kerm shoot up and helped the girl onto her feet.

"How do you feel?" She asked face still red

"Wonderful, thank you. Thank you so much." Kerm said hugging the mage tightly shocking her, she slowly hugged back.

"Can you feel the love tonight!" Varric sang loudly 


They Get To Know Each Other:

WARNING: Mentions of rape and miscarrige 

"So.... (Y/N), you're a circle mage?" Bull asked as the four rode back to Skyhold

"Yes, I was." She responded looking down at her hands with had gloves on

"Hawke and I recruited her at Kirkwall, she's been on the run ever since our group split up." Varric chuckled loudly

"So, did you have a templar lover?" Bull asked her, Kerm watched as she grabbed a wine bottle from her bag quickly draining it of its content.

"I can answer that, she did not. She was-" Varric started but was cut off by an empty wine bottle being thrown past his head

"I was raped and abused by my templar piers." She said not looking at anyone

"I was going to put in a lighter term." Varric said with a shake of his head

"There's not a lighter term," She snapped looking at the three, her (E/C) held a numbness

"I'm sorry." Bull said a bit of shame in his voice, Kerm quicken his pace until he was side by side with her.

"I was raped too," He said making her look at him, "A Tevinter tribune and his men. That's how I met Commander, he killed them."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, but If you're saying that to try to make me feel better you might want to hear the full extent of things," She sighed, "I was raped, beaten, almost killed, and wound up becoming pregnant only for the templar captain to beat him till I miscarried." She looked back to her bag garbing another bottle, Kerm looked at her in absolute shock.

"I-i.." He said anger boiling inside of him, how could they do that to her.

"It was a girl," She said smiling sadly, "I named her Dawn." Tears slid down the mages face as she looked up at the sky.

Kerm started at her anger leaving him to be replaced with sadness.

"I wish she was here, but I know that she'd be beaten and abused like I was. I am content knowing she's with Andraste, and that she will be waiting for my return." The mage put a hand over her heart smiling softly at the sky.

Kerm had tears running down his face, Bull was crying loudly, and Varric wiped a single tear from his cheek. Kerm reached out gripping (Y/N)'s hands tightly.

"I will protect you with my life, no one will ever hurt you again." He said looking into her eyes, she gripped his hand back looking as the sun began to set.

"Shadows fall and hope has fled, Steel your heart, the dawn will come, The night is long and the path is dark, Look to the sky for one day soon, The dawn will come..." She sang softly


I made myself cry will writing this o_o

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