Blackwall x Abused!reader// I Surrender (Part One)

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WARRING!!! Suggestions of abuse, rage, and forced self harm


"Why?!" He screamed

"You know why." She replied standing up

"I don't think I do?!"

"You don't love me."

"Yes I do!"

"This isn't love!"

"Then what is it?"

"Abuse. Toucher. Hell."



"These marks aren't love."


"How you treat me isn't love."


"Do you know how many times I've had to lie?"


"Like, 'Commander how did you get that black eye?' or 'Commander why is your neck bruised?'" He ran at her gripping her hair slamming her face into the wall busting her head open


"You will not leave. You sighed up for this fight." He seethed gripping her neck tightly

"I only stayed because I didn't want to lose you." She sobbed against the ground

"Well you failed."

"Let me go."



"You need to be punished."

"Please no." She cried as he started cutting her arms with a dagger

"We are going to have some fun now."

Her screams of pain surrounded the encampment.


Blood slid down her chin as she leaned against the wall, screams and metal hitting metal filled the air. No one noticed her missing from battle, a templar sword was embedded in her chest, an arrow lodged in her shoulder, and blood dripped from her right leg were the bone stuck out.

"Finally." She muttered gripping her weapon as an enemy with a griffin helmet walked towards her.

She looked to her weapon as the memoirs of her life flooded through her mind. The weapon slowly slipped through her fingers as tears clouded her eyes.

"Brother forgive me." She said lifting her hand to her face pulling the templar commander helmet off as she closed her eyes.

"What's the point." She whispered to herself hand whipping the blood from her mouth watching the man, "if you're going to kill me do it already!"

"Why?" The griffin man asked as he stopped when he saw her face. She looked up at him, she was surrounded by her own men who she had killed.

"When, *cough*, your will to die is stranger than your will to live, what is the point is trying?" She asked

"Your-!" The man started as he knelt in front of her, the female looked at him before she started coughing up blood.

"Commander! Dorian! Come help me!" He yelled as her vision fell black


"Commander this is suicide!" A female Ativan voice yelled

"No its not!" He responded

"She is an enemy commander!" Another voice yelled

"Her own men tried to kill her!" I sat up from the cot looking at five people standing a couple yards away.

One was the commander with slicked blonde hair and wore a fur shawl. A woman stood beside him, short red hair in rouge armor. The two who were arguing was a warrior with short bluish black hair and an antiavian diplomat. The fifth was the herald of Andraste. A man sat beside me watching them, he wore Tevinter mage armor and had a strange mustache.

"Hi." I said making him jump slightly as he whipped his head around to look at me

"Why hello there, how are you feeling?" He asked

"Stiff but okay." I said

"You neck? What happened? It looks like someone tried to suffocate you." I didn't responded but looked away, "Would you like to stand?" He asked getting up, I nodded before looking down at me. My chest and Legs were bandaged, you could see the discoloration on my neck and cuts on my arms.

"My arms..." I muttered looking at them as he helped me up, a sigh left his lips as he helped me towards the group.

"That means-" The warrior went to yell but stopped at the site of me exiting the tent, I looked at the group my eyes widening slightly as the blonde stepped towards me.

"C-Cullen?" I asked stepping towards him, he partially ran to me engulfing me in a tight hug.

"(Y/N)." he said hiding his face in my neck, I broke down crying as he keeled to the ground with me in his arms

"I should have left with you." I sobbed into his shoulder

"You didn't know this was going to happen." He said rubbing my back

"I tried to stop him but..." He pulled away holding my face in his hands

"Its okay." He said as I gripped his hands

"Cullen.. He-he.. He changed.. started abusing me when that thing influenced him. I thought it was just an accident at first, but it got so bad and I couldn't get away from him." I cried

"Sister..." He said holding me close to him


Cullen walked beside me as I limped across the courtyard to stable.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked as I gripped the walking stick with both hands

"Yes I'm sure, you know I love horses and I cant really fight now." I said gesturing to my broken leg, he sighed at me as I sat on a hay bail near the stable that was in shade.

"Commander?" A deep voice asked

'I know that voice.' I thought looking to the blacksmiths forge


"You're the man that saved me!" I said looking at a man with black hair and thick beard.

"My lady." Blackwall said bowing to me

"Watch her, make sure she doesn't try to ride the horses." Cullen said before walking off making me glare at the back of his head as Blackwall sat on a chair near me

"Bear." I said looking at him

"My name is Thom Rainier."

"I don't care, you look like a bear." I responded making him chuckle

"My lady-"

"My names (Y/N)." I corrected looking him over

"(Y/N), how did you get those bruises and that scar on your head." He asked making me sigh

"I- I would rather not say." I said

"I respect your decision. Would you like to see a War Nug?"

"A war nug?"

"Yes. A war nug, nugs you ride into battle."

"Hell yeah!"

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