Cullen X reader// After A Dragon {Fluffy}

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Maxwell, Iron Bull, Solas and (Y/N) fought and killed the dragon near Redcliffe. She was so excited because she had landed in finale blow.

"By the Maker! Maxwell, I did it!" (Y/N) yelled bouncing up onto the dragon's head with her bow in the air, covered in blood from head to toe.

He laughed at her childish behavior, a great relief to see since Haven. The four walked into Skyhold everyone was standing around clapping, but one person was not there. (Y/N) was setting on bull's shoulders grinning looking at the crowd, her grin faded quickly when she realized Cullen was not there. Bull set her down looking over the sad girl with worried eyes, she just brushed him off stating that she was tired. (Y/N) walked up to Cassandra in hope of an answer.

"He was sent to Val Royeaux on a mission, I am unsure of when he will be back," Cassey said to the sad girl with a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, alright..." She said sadly walking off to her room.

When she was out of eyeshot, (Y/N) snuck off to Cullen's office to his room. She had been gone for over a month and missed him badly. She slowly peeled the clothes off and washed herself, no one saw how weak and frail the girl had gotten because of the last battle. Pulling on one of Cullen's white shirts, she climbed into his bed taking a deep breath of his scent and fading into a deep sleep.


"She's in love with him...." Cole said slowly, "I can feel the way her heart breaks for him... the way she just wants to be with him....." He dragged on to his fellow companions.

"Yes, that is the case for him as well." Cassandra replied polishing her armor.

"The look on her face today when he wasn't there to greet her, I've never seen her so sad." Bull said as the door opened to show Cullen.

"I see you all have made it back safely." He said looking at everyone, soon his eyebrows furred, "Where is (Y/N)?" He asked worried.

"I don't know, she's not in our chambers." Her brother Maxwell said

"I don't know where she is." Solas said

"I must find her." Cullen said, but was stopped by Coles word.

"She craves you too.... She wishes to be with you always..... All she thinks about is you...." Cole said to Cullen.

Quickly Cullen ran to his office putting his papers away trying to figure out where she was. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her bow laying in the corner of the room. He slowly made his way up the ladder to his chambers, he sighed in relief as (Y/N) was on his bed fast asleep. Chuckling softly, he undressed out of his armor and climbed in bed beside her, wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her close to him, he buried his face in her hair.

"H-huh?" she asked sleepily

"Shh, go back to sleep my love. We will talk in the morning." He whispered in her ear.



"I love you."

"And I love you."

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