01 // I Thought He Was Supposed To Be Happy To See Me

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I grabbed my duffle bag out of the taxi trunk, which contained my clothes and seraph blade, before allowing the yellow vehicle to drive off.

I shifted to look at the institute which to the eyes of a mundane would be an abandon church.

The pack was a little skeptical about me returning after seven years but I wanted to see everyone again.

Scott and the entire pack new about me being a shadow hunter when Liam found my seraph blade sticking out from beneath my mattress.

I used to hide my runes with foundation make up but now that I'm in New York it doesn't matter who sees them.

I took a dell breath before jogging to the stairs to the entrance and walking through the door.

Immediately I saw dozens of shadow hunters walking around who just passed right by me.

I smiled at the memories I had when I was younger here. The place really hadn't changed a lot.

I walked down the hall in the main room where shadow hunters were walking around working at ever desk and monitor you could see.

"Stiles!" A voice yelled.

I turned towards the direction the voice came just in time to catch a red head who tackled me with a hug, her amber red hair sprawled in my face.

"Hey Clary." I laughed as I released my older cousin and looked up to see Jace and Simon approaching.

"Stiles." Jace said as he and Simon stopped in front of us.

"Jace." I said as we exchanged smiles to before sharing a quick hug.

"And how the vampire doing?" I asked as I rested my arm on Simon's shoulder.

Simon chuckled and replied with, "I'm doing fine Stiles, nice to see you."

"Where Izzy-"

I was cut off when a voice yelled, "Where's my parabatai?!"

I smiled widely as I saw Izzy bolting down the stairs with Alec slowly trailing behind her with his arms crossed.

I didn't even have time to react before Izzy plowed into my almost knocking me off my feet.

Luckily I just stumbled back a bit before I wrapped my arms around her body.

"Someone's happy to see me." I stated.

"You're my parabatai why wouldn't I be happy to see you." She said as she stepped back.

I smiled at Izzy again before looking up to the one person I hadn't greeted yet.

When me and Alec locked eyes I practically felt my heart speed up ten times as fast as it was before.

Alec was much hotter than I remember.

He had stunning hazel-greenish eyes and smooth raven colored hair. Even though he was wearing a thin jacket I could tell he had muscles by the way they flexed when he crossed his arms.

His runes that were visible just made him even attractive as his dark clothing complimented his complexion and tan skin.

"Hey Alec." I spoke first.

He just stared at me for a second or two before rolling his eyes and walking away.

"I thought he was supposed to be happy to see me." I said as I watched Alec turn around the corner and leave the room.

"He was perfectly fine yesterday I don't know what's wrong." Izzy replied. "Anyway after you unpack everything in your room I need your help with something so come back down here."

"Same room as before?" I asked as I picked up my duffle bag.

Izzy just nodded before I traveled up to the second floor where my room was when I was younger.

When I opened it everything was just how I left it.

The light was off, the bed was made, and everything was clean.

I quickly unpacked my clothes and out my seraph blade in my belt before traveling back down stairs where Izzy, Simon, and Jace were carrying boxes in from the closet in the hallway.

"What's in the boxes?" I asked as I jogged down the few steps in front of me before approaching them.

"Izzy is having us decorate the Institute for Christmas." Jace huffed, clearly not wanting to do this.

"Christmas is only three weeks away." My parabatai said as she set the box she was carrying down on the table. "And we haven't even decorated anything yet, I want everyone in the Christmas spirit."

"Okay we'll we can our up a few light and shit like that and call it quits." Jace said as he placed his box down. "We don't need to plaster everything in the institute with Christmas decorations."

"Yes we do." Izzy argued. "And the three of you are helping."

"Hey, I just got here." I complained.

"That's doesn't mean you can't put those muscles to use." Izzy responded.

"What muscles?" Jace joked.

"I have abs ya know." I said to the blonde.

"Okay." He chuckled.

I lifted up my shirt to reveal me six pack that I had worked years to get.

"Jesus." Jace said before I dropped the hem of my shirt.

"Anyways why can't Clary help?" I asked.

"She is as soon as she get back." Izzy explained. "She went to talk to Alex about why he walked away from you. Now open a box and start decorating."

I looked at Simon who just gave me a shrug before I opened the nearest box and started to help my parabatai decorate.

7 Years // Stalec (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now