11 // But It's Christmas Break. I Don't Feel Like Fighting Bad Guys

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I fixed my hair as I made my way down stairs so I didn't look like I was just making out with someone.

When I entered the ops room my eyes widened as I stopped right in the doorway.

"What are you guys going here?" I asked.

"We have a problem." Scott said as he stood in front of the pack. "Big problem."

"You couldn't have broken the law because I wasn't there so either my dad found all my speeding tickets or there's a new threat in Beacons Hills." I explained. "I'm hoping it's the first one."

"It's the second one." Lydia said causing me to grown.

"So why are you here?" I asked. "Can't you just take care of it like we did with the Alpha pack?"

"That's the problem." Scott crossed his arms. "It's not just an Alpha pack this time."

"Valentine and Gerard have teamed up." Kira started. "They gathered a giant army, half demons and half alpha werewolves."

"How giant are we talking?" I asked.

Scott and Lydia shared a glance before my best friend said, "We think a couple hundred, Gerard and Valentine made a deal. First Valentine helps Gerard eliminate all the supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills and then Gerard helps Valentine get some type of sword."

"The soul sword." Izzy said. "That's what he wants."

"When are they gonna be in Beacon Hills?" I questioned.

"Deaton estimated tomorrow since the full moon is tomorrow night and that's when all the newborn wolves with be out." Derek explained.

"But it's Christmas break." I whined. "I don't feel like fighting bad guys."

"Stiles we need your guys' help." Lydia began. "You guys knows Valentine better than us, his strengths and weakness'. We'll be better together."

"Well if this time we can get rid of them for good then I'm in." Izzy agreed as she crossed her arms.

"I don't have choice do I?" I questioned which resulted in the pack shaking their heads.

Malia stares at me for a moment before leaning forward and sniffing the air around me.

"Who's the lucky girl?" She smirked.

Damn wolf senses!

"Guy." Kira corrected as she nodded towards the stairs.

We all shifted to see Alec coming down the stairs as he fixed his hair.

Jace smirked and looked at me before saying, "I see-Ow!"

I cut the blonde off by slapping him on the back of the head.

Alec walked up beside me and wrapped and arm around my shoulders.

"When should we leave?" Clary asked.

"Beacon Hills is about forty-three hours from here so we should probably leave within the next hour or two, that may we can be there by maybe one or two tomorrow." Lydia explained.

"We're leaving?" Alec questioned. "How much did I miss?"

"I'll explain later." I replied.

"Clary call Simon and Maia we're gonna need all the help we can get." Jace ordered.

My older cousin nodded before walking off.

"Everyone else." He said as he looked around at us. "Suit up."

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