02 // I'm Not Apologizing

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(A/N In this story Alec is 22)

After walking away from Stiles without a word I went up to my office where I just stood at the back wall staring out the window.

When a knock sounded at the door I looked over my shoulder before saying, "Come in."

As soon as the door opened a voice said, "What was that?"

"What was what Clary?" I asked the redhead as I turned around.

"You just walked away from Stiles without saying a word." She replied like it was obvious that which it was.

"So." Was all I said.

"So?" She questioned. "You haven't seen him in seven years and you don't even say hi?"

"No." I started. "I didn't want to."

"Why not you guys were like best friends when you were younger." Clary stated as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I know." I responded.

"Are you angry at him because of something?" She asked confused.

"I wouldn't say angry but I'm definitely upset." I corrected.

"Why? What did he do?" She questioned.

"It's none of your concern but he knows." I spoke. "It may not have come to him yet but he knows."

"I think you should explain things to him." Clary began. "I think he deserves an explanation."

When I didn't answered she rolled her eyes before saying, "Ok but you should at least apologize to him, he at least deserves that."

"I'm not apologizing." I argued. "Not yet. I will when he does."

"What does he have to apologize for?" She asked.

"Liked I said." I started. "He knows."

"I don't think he does." Clary replied. "Judging by the expression of confusion that was plastered on his face when you walked away."

"He'll figure it out." I responded before turning around and looking back out the window.

I heard Clary sign before the door opened and shut within seconds.

Once I was sure she had exited the room I let out a deep breath that I didn't realize I had been holding in.

I knew that it probably wasn't the best to ignore Stiles but he knows what he did.

I think.

7 Years // Stalec (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now