08 // So You Steal His Car?

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I woke up I someone banging rapidly on my door.

I groaned and rolled out of my bed as I ran a hen through my hair before walking to the door.

When I opened it Stiles stood there fully dressed and fully awake.

"Can I help you?" I asked tiredly.

"I said to be awake run the morning, were you still sleeping?" He replied.

"Uh yeah if you couldn't tell." I said.

"Okay we'll get ready cause we're going out." He started. "Chop chop I'll be down stairs."

I shut the door in his face before walking over to my dresser and throwing in my normal clothes.

I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair before slipping on my shoes and heading down stairs.

"Where you going big bro?" Izzy asked me as I appeared in the ops room heading for the entrance where I could see stiles waiting.

"Out." I answered.

She jumped in front of the door before I could leave the room and said, "Out where?"

"I don't know yet." I replied.

"Why are you going out if you don't know where you're going?" She responded causing me to roll my eyes.

"Izzy we both know I'm stronger than you but I'm choosing not to pick you up and move you so are you gonna do it yourself or leave that to me." I explained.

"I know." My sister moving out of the way.

I exited the ops room and approached Stiles who was waiting by the doors.

"First day." Stiles said as he leaned off the wall. "What are we doing?"

I thought for a moment before saying, "On my eighteenth birthday we had a bid get together at this waterfall about an hour away from here, that was pretty fun I guess."

"Waterfall it is." Stiles smiled before grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the door.

"Stiles it take an hour to get there." I argued.

"Well one hour is less than seven years." He said before pulling me over to car which I recognized as Jace's.

"Why are we taking Jace's car?" I asked.

"Because my Jeep is back in Beacon Hills and Jace barely even help decorating yesterday." He explained as we arrived in front of the car.

"So you steal his car?" I questioned him.

Stiles pulled of pair of keys, which I'm guessing were Jace's car keys, and dangled them in front of my face.

"Borrow." He corrected. "It's called borrowing, we're gonna give it back, relax grumpy."

"Don't call me grumpy." I said sternly as he opened the drivers side door and got in the car.

"Grumpy." He smirked before closure the door.

I sighed before walking over to the other side of the car and getting into the passengers seat.


Stiles parked the car on the side of the road by the waterfall before getting out as I did as well.

He jogged over to the edge of the grass a peered over, looking down at the water. 

Out of nowhere he then started taking his clothes off.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Well I'm not gonna jump in the water fully clothed." Stiles replied.

He stripped himself I fall of his clothes until he was left in his boxers.

"Come on." He said before he started walking up to the highest point of the cliff.

I sighed before stripping down to my blazers and following after him.

When we reached the top of the cliff Stiles peered down in the water before looking at me.

He smirked before looking forwards again and jumping off the edge of the cliff.

When he made impact with the water he went under and then came up seconds later.

"Come on!" He yelled.

I smiled at him before jumping off the cliff myself.

When I hit the water it sent off a big splash as I sunk down a little.

I kicked my legs and pushed my arms up before I popped back up at the surface where I expected to see Stiles but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Stiles?" I asked but got to response. "Stiles!"

Suddenly two arms wrapped around my shoulders from behind before a voice said, "Gotcha."

"Don't do that." I said as I turned around to face a smiling Stiles.

"Oh come on it was just a joke." He replied causing me to roll my eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes pretty boy maybe you'll find something back there." Stiles added.

"So you think I'm pretty?" I questioned.

"Have you seen yourself?" He asked. "How could anyone not think your pretty."

I chuckled and soon found myself staring at his body.

Someone I found it attractive by the water droplets that dropped from the loose hair that dangles in front of his face and onto his upper chest which I occasionally glanced down at.

"Like what you see?" He asked.

"Maybe." I replied.

That's when I saw his eyes quickly glance down at my chest before looking back up at my face causing me to smirk.

"What?" Stiles questioned.

"Seems like you like what you see too." I responded.

"Maybe I do." He smiled. "You gonna make a move?"

"Is that an invitation?" I asked.

"Hypothetically, if it was what would you do?" He replied.

"Hypothetically I would do this......." I trailed off before leaving closer to him.

He didn't object when I got closer to his lips so I closed the gap and pressed our lips together.

I felt his hands travel up my biceps before they rested on the back of my neck as I snaked my arms around his waist so my hands were resting on the small of his back.

I titled my head, my nose brushing up against his as I slid my tongue into his mouth which he clearly enjoyed from the moan he released.

I pulled away once I heard the blaring noise of a siren and then a car parking.

We both looked up a bit towards the edge of the grass to see a police officer appear.

"You boys know you're tress-passing?!" The officer asked.

"I didn't know someone can own a waterfall!" Stiles yelled back.

"You can't, but someone can own the land around it!" He replied.

Stiles pursed his lips together before looking back at me.

First day of fun and we get caught by the police.

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