12 // Me And Alec Have Unfinished Business, So We're Gonna Go

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Stiles' outfit up above^^^^


After we all changed and grabbed our weapons we walked together to the entrance where we saw Simon and Maia waiting with the pack.

"Ya know it's fascinating how you guys can look so innocent one second and then intimidating the next." Simon explained.

"Who car are we taking?" Maia asked.

"All of us can fit in Dereks car." Scott started. "So I imagine all of you can fit in one car."

"We can take my car." Jace spoke. "Speaking of my car has anyone seen my keys?"

I dug around in my pocket before pulling out his keys and tossing them to the blonde as I walked towards the door.

"Why did you have my keys?!" Jace called after me.

"Borrowed your car yesterday!" I yelled back.

"You stole my car?!" He exclaimed.

"Borrowed!" I repeated.


A long, restless drive later which was filled with arguing between me, Jace, and Simon about stupid things we arrived in front of the clinic around noon the next day.

When we entered the clinic Deaton was treating to a dog in the back from why we could see from the gate which some of us could not pass until it was open.

Deaton looked up when bell of the door rang and stood what he was doing before walking out of the room and over to us.

"Stiles." He started. "Nice to you, these must be your shadow hunter friends."

"Yeah this is my cousin Clary, my parabatai Izzy, Jace, Simon, Maia, and Alec."

"Boyfriend Alec." Izzy corrected.

"Shut up." I quickly said.

"Come on back." Deaton said before opening the gate. "I just have to finish up with this patient."

As he continued to patch up the dog on the metal table Clary said, "So how do we know where Valentine and Gerard will be tonight?"

"I'm guessing they will be in the preserve."  Deaton started. "Since that's where most of the werewolves in town will be in a full moon."

"Wait." Malia intervened. "What are you?"

She pointed to Maia.

"Werewolf." She answered.

"And you?" Malia pontes to Simon.

"Vampire." He answered.

"But you were in the sun." Malia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I drank Jace's blood, angel blood, and became a day lighter so I can be in the sun." Simon explained.

"Well that doesn't sound kinky at all......." Lydia mutter sarcastically causing Jace to roll his eyes and Simon to blush.

Those two totally have the hots for each other.

(A/N I just had to include another non-cannon ship I couldn't help myself)

"Also I recommend leaving the shadow hunters to the demon killing and the pack to the werewolf killing." Deaton explained.

"We still have several hours until night time actually comes." Scott said as he checked the time on his phone. "We can all go out and do something, pass the time by."

"Me and Alec have unfinished business so we're gonna go." I said as I grabbed my boyfriends hand and pulled him towards the clinic door.

"Use protection!" Izzy yelled.

I pinched my self in the arm before I heard Izzy let out a yelp from the back room.

Parabatai bonds, you gotta love em.

I pulled Alec out of the clinic before we began waking down the street.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To see my dad." I answered as we continued down the sidewalk.

"I'm not ready to see your dad." Alec replied.

"You've met him before." I argued.

"Yeah when I was much younger." He started. "I'm an adult now and you're boyfriend. Plus, you're dad is the sheriff and can be scary when he wants to be so I don't think it's in my best interest to inform him that I'm the guy fucking his son."

"Technically we haven't fucked yet." I responded.

"But we probably will soon." He began. "Like you said, we have unfinished business."

When we arrived in front of my house I used my key to open the door before swinging it open.

"It's a Sunday so he shouldn't be working today." I spoke as I walked into the house with Alec trailing behind me.

"Dad!" I called.

"Stiles?" A voice questioned before my dad appeared from the kitchen. "What're you doing back?"

"I'll explain in a seconds but first." I paused as I looked at Alec. "This is Alec-"

"Oh yeah I remember you." My Dad cut me off. "You've sure grown up, you look good."

"-My Boyfriend." I finished.

My dad glanced between me and Alec before patting me on the shoulder and saying, "Whatever makes you happy son."

Then I heard Alec let out a deep breath with I could tell he had been holding in.

"Anyway......" I trailed off. "I'm gonna show Alec my room."

"Use protection!" My dad yelled as I pulled Alec up the stairs.

"Damn, dads always know." I mumbled as I pulled Alec into my room and shut the door.

I turned to look at Alec and saw him smiling.

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his neck before pulling his face down to mine, connecting our lips.

I felt his hands circled around my waist before sliding further down my back.

"Stiles!" My dad voice yelled. "Someone's at the door for you!"

I groaned as I disconnected my lips of Alec's and walked over to my door.

I opened it and perked ou into the hallway and peered down the stairs at the door where I saw the pack Izzy, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Maia.

"Did you really think we were gonna let you ditch us to have sex?" Scott said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I was hoping, yeah." I answered.

"Well you're not so get both your asses down here and we're going out, all of us, together."

I rolled my eyes as I looked back at Alec who was straightening his shirt.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"After tonight, we can do what ever we want." He whispered in my ear before walking past me and down the stairs.

"So close." I whispered to myself before shutting my bedroom door and following him down the stairs case.

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